Chapter 7: What Was I Thinking?

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Hehe, I think I'm doing pretty good at updating, twice in two days! Thank you so much for over 2,800 reads. Please remember to vote and fan, it gives me a lot of encouragement.




P.S. Bella if you are reading this, post below. I am starting to think that you have died :(


Bella's P.O.V.~

I looked through my bag looking for my keys. The events of today replayed inside my head. After the kiss, me and Liam had a strange tension between us. We went back to the car where everyone was waiting. Neither of us said anything to each other besides bye when we arrived at the arena. Before anyone could say anything, I was in Emily's car and pulling away. It just felt to.... awkward.

I had parked Emily's car right outside our apartment building. Rain pelted me as I entered the building. The hallways were so quiet. I glanced at the watch on my wrist. It was almost midnight, and I had work tomorrow. I walked towards my apartment. Once I arrived, I stopped outside it.

I ran my hand through my soaking wet hair. I was just so.... confused. I had so many mixed feelings. I dug through my purse looking for my keys. I spotted them glistening under the hallway lights. I pulled them out. Quietly, I inserted them into the lock. Turning the doorknob, I tip toed in, trying not to wake up Rebecca or Emily. I closed the door silently. I was safe.

"How was the concert?" someone asked. I jumped and turned around. Rebecca sat on the recliner her eyes squinted. She had her legs crossed and hands folded on her lap.

"What do you mean?" I said innocently, trying to play it cool as I took of my jacket. She just rolled her eyes.

"It's all over the news" she said holding up her white iPhone 4s. I bit my lower lip.

"Look Rebecca, I wanted to tell you but-"

"But what?" she asked cutting me off. 'You know how much of a big fan I am. I love them to death. They mean absolutely everything to me, and you didn't tell me that you knew them, much less hung out with them. You hurt me." she said, her eyes lowering.

"I didn't know them until today, and I only met Liam yesterday" I protested. Rebecca's eyes softened, but didn't look convinced. "Look, yesterday I was working my morning shift, and Liam came in. We talked, he asked for my number. He invited me to their photo shoot and concert, then we went for ice cream, and we maaaaaay have kissed" I muttered the last part.

"Excuse me?" asked Rebecca shocked. 'Did you just say that you KISSED, Liam Payne?!" she asked shocked. I nodded. "That is so cute, you guys are like perfect for each other" she grinned. I breathed a sigh of relief that she wasn't angry anymore.

"So when do I get to meet them?" she asked with a grin. I lowered my head.

"I don't know, things are kind of awkward between me and Liam right now, I think it was just a one day thing" I said honestly. He was famous,  nothing was going to happen between us. Ever.

~Two Weeks Latter~

I stared at my iPhone that layed on the kitchen counter. I sat on a stool with my head in my hands. It has been 2 weeks. 14 days. 336 hours. 20160 minutes. You get the point. I guess I sort of wanted him to call. I had not heard from any of the boys this whole week. According to Rebecca, they were still in London.

"Still upset about Liam?" I heard Emily ask. She was looking through the fridge.  I had told her about what had happened the night of the concert.

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