Chapter 24: Truth Be Told

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Just want to get something out there. Most of these chapter are not edited beside spelling! So, I know that I have not edited the grammar in the chapters, I just odn't have much time. Yes, I know that there are people that will edit chapters for you, but I don't feel comfortable giving someone my chapter for them to change as much as they need, so I will definetly make time this weekend to go over ALL OF THE CHAPTERS, and edit any mistakes and grammar, etc.

Onto news i'm not annoyed about... I am thinking about doing a collabortation story. I would do it with friends in real life, but 3 of my friends have dance a lot so they just read, not write. My other friend is having some issues at home. My other friend just ignores me now whenever I talk about my Fan Fiction, so I am going to stop talking to her about it..... So I need a new person to do a collaboration story with. Still debating if it's a good idea or not, comment down below what you think!

Sorry this is a really long Author's Note, but I have just have had a lot of things to say. Also, another note, my stories are not a place to advertise to other people. I am happy to read stories, and will comment and vote on them, but message them to me or they will just get mixed up in all the comments!

One last thing.... Thank you so much for all the positive comments! They mean so much to me. It is nice to know that someone enjoys my stories, and your votes and comments really inspire me to keep writing! Thanks so much to everyone, I love all of you, especially my Fans! I AM SO EXCITED TO BE AT SPOT NUMBER 8! It is like a dream to be this high up in the spots on the Fan Fictions! Enjoy the chapter please! :)







~Liam's P.O.V.~

My hand hovered in front of the door. Should I? No. She wouldn't want to. I need to make things right though. I can't keep arguing with the lads forever, or with her. Sighing, I knocked on the front door, before I could change my mind.

The door opened and Emily stood there. She had a fake smile on her face. "Hi Liam. Bye Liam" she began to close the door.

"Wait!" I stopped the door with my foot. "I need to talk to her" I pleaded.

"Why? So you can be stupid again?" she hissed. I sighed. Why had I even said that to Bella. I was just.... annoyed that she was dating Niall. No. I had Chloe.

"Come on, let me see her. Just for 5 minutes. If I maker upset, I promise I will be out of her life forever!" I pleaded. I needed Bella in my life.

Emily looked me up and down suspiciously. "Fine" she sighed and opened the door wider so that I could enter. I quickly entered before she could change her mind. "She is in her room, but-"

I rushed down the hallway. I stopped in front of a white door, that had the Sign 'Bella' hanging on it. I was about to knock when I heard something from inside.

"I got tired of waiting Wondering if you were ever coming around My faith in you is fading When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said" Was this Bella? I thought she didn't sing.

"Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone I keep waiting for you but you never come Is this in my head? I don't know what to think He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring" I slowly creaked open the door, My head pocked it, to reveal Bella playing on a black shiny piano in the corner of the room.

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