Chapter 30: Not Again?

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So this is a chapter sort of leading to the end of this book! I can't tell you the next book's name because the title will give away a big part of the book, but I am POSITIVE you will all love it! For those who are asking how much is left, I am aiming towards at least 5 more chapters, so the book actually may be done by next week :( . Anyways, please GO CHECK OUT @BELLABUNNY6 's STORY! She doesn't have many reads (sorry Bella :P) or votes, SO PLEASE GO CHECK HER OUT! 






~Bella's P.O.V.~ 

It was dark in my room, but I couldn't sleep. The past few days flashed into my head. Niall has been so romantic the past few days. Each day he would surprise me with flowers, chocolate, stuffed bears, balloons, anything. I had been busy with doctors, making sure that I am clear. Niall was in every appointment to support me. It was so sweet of him. 

I was realised from the hospital early this morning, and went straight to my flat. The doctor said I should rest and have no visitors, and I was starting to get bored. Emily was spending the night at Harry's doing..... who knows what. Rebecca was still here, she was freaking out when I came home, and was acting very.... motherly. I guess me being in the hospital got everyone worried. 

I laid there in bed, not able to fall asleep. I had so much on my mind. My hand fiddled with the necklace Niall gave me, located around my neck. Why was I questioning my feelings for Niall?! He is my boyfriend, I love him. But, everytime I look at me, part of me thinks of Liam. I know Liam hurt me, but Chloe can be.... convincing. He fell for it. 

Then again, he did believe her. He didn't even want to hear what I had to say about it. He believed her, not even listening to me. I thought we had been close. My brain began to hurt from all the thoughts. I was dating Niall. Why didn't I feel..... confident in my choice?  

"Bells?" I heard someone whisper. I looked towards the door. I saw a familiar frame standing there. Suddenly, the light was turned on. Rbecca stood there, looking concerned. "You OK?" she asked me with a frown. "I assumed that you would want to be getting a lot of sleep" 

I nodded. "I am tired. I just can't. I have so much on my mind" I said sitting up. Rebecca came and sat at the end of the bed. "I just, feel confused. Why do i still feel jealous of Chloe?" I asked her. "I mean, I have Niall, and I love him" My voice cracked as I said this. 

"Maybe you don't really love him" I looked at Rebecca confused.  

"What do you mean?" I asked her. 

"Look at it this way. Maybe, you still love Liam. Niall was the first person after your breakup to show emotion towards up. Maybe you took Niall a little quickly, sort of as a way to..... how do I put this? To recover from you breakup from Liam." 

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