Everything Is Blue

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I'd like to make known that in this story Jay is 16 and Carlos is 15. Or they can be however old you want them to be. It doesn't really matter.


Jay had just thrown on his Tourney uniform when Carlos came barging into their room, Dude in hand, and slammed the door. Jay gave him a look of confusion and Carlos was quick to speak after setting Dude down. " We have a problem," He stated, exasperated.

Jay quirked his eyebrow at Carlos' disheveled state and chuckled lightly. " We? And what is our problem exactly?"

Carlos ran his hand through his hair and laughed nervously. " Well..I was taking Dude for a walk and Jane approached me. Which was weird, but y'know I thought maybe she needed homework help or something. So after making short conversation, she sorta just came out and told me she liked me." Carlos looked up at him with a panicked expression and Jay stared back.

" And how is that a problem?" Jay questioned, confused, albeit amused. Only Carlos would panic over the fact that a girl liked him.

" Well I don't like her back!" Carlos shouted, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. " And you should've seen her face, Jay. I couldn't just tell her I didn't like her."

" Sure you can. I do it all the time," Jay smirked as he sat down on his bed, enjoying watching Carlos pace around the room frantically.

Carlos glared at Jay and huffed loudly. " Yeah okay, well I can't. And I screwed up. And you're probably going to kill me," Carlos voice dropped down to a whisper, causing Jay to get extremely paranoid.

" What'd you do?" Jay asked slowly, wondering if he wanted to know the answer.

Carlos laughed nervously again and avoided eye contact with Jay. " Well..you see, I may have, uh, told her that ..." He stopped before rambling out quickly, " you and I are a thing."

Jay scrambled up from his bed and came close to lunging at Carlos while shouting, " What!" A thing? What the hell did that mean!

Carlos backed away quickly from Jay and ran to the other side of the room, hoping to avoid getting pummeled to death. " I know! I'm sorry, I ju-"

" Stop talking." Jay cut Carlos off quickly, needing to voice his confusion. " So Jane now thinks that you and I..." He pointed between them two while speaking, " are what, hooking up?"

Carlos gulped before mumbling, " Uh..no. Dating."

Jays stomach dropped and he immediately yelled. " Holy shit, Carlos! Why did you have to choose me? You could've picked Evie! Why couldn't you just tell Jane you didn't like her!" Jay tried his best to stay calm and not attack Carlos. He probably feels like enough shit already without him ranting at him. Jay wasn't even really mad that he lied to Jane about a fake relationship. He was just nervous, and confused. He had been questioning his feelings for Carlos for a while but he had been trying his best to not act on them. Now what was he supposed to do?

" I know, I panicked! Alright? It was stupid, and it was the first thing that came to my head, but you should've seen her face, holy shit, she scrambled away from me so quickly," Carlos rambled out of nervousness, hoping Jay wasn't going to kill him.

But he knew he was so dead. Jay was going to kill him. Then bring him back to life and kill him again. And then most likely repeat it once he heard Carlos' request.

" Okay so, what? We pretend to date for a week?" Jay was panicking. He wanted to date Carlos, at least some part of him wanted to. But he couldn't. He didn't want to, if it was fake, anyways. And besides, how was he supposed to flirt with girls and steal their things if he was 'dating' Carlos? That would just give him a worse reputation (Not that he cared, or anything).

Just Acting /JaylosOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant