Let's Play Pretend

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It had been five days since Carlos and Jay had started fake dating. Carlos himself thought it was going rather well. There was lots of hand holding, cheek kisses, and several hugs a day. He thought they were completely convincing. Sure there had been one or two awkward instances, but wasn't there always awkward situations in the beginning of a real relationship?

It was now Saturday morning, meaning that Carlos and Jay would have to attend any events going on, with each other. Carlos slowly sat up in his bed and muttered out, " Jay, you awake?" They were going to need to discuss how to handle the day, and Carlos wanted to go ahead and get it over with. When there was no response from Jay after a few seconds, Carlos blinked his eyes several times and turned to look at Jay's bed. Jay's bed was a mess, with his pillow lying lopsided and his blankets half-on, half-off the bed, and Jay was nowhere in it. At that realization, Carlos groaned and flopped back down onto his bed. He had really wanted to discuss things with Jay, and now he was going to have to spend half of his day looking for him. And he really didn't want to think about the fact that Jay had most likely left early on purpose, wanting to avoid the whole stupid situation entirely.

While Carlos was contemplating on going back to sleep, ( because he'd rather waste his day by sleeping than looking for Jay), there was a soft knock on the door. He slowly propped himself up on his arm, wondering if he had been imagining the noise. He was about to lay back down when there was another knock, that time much louder. He immediately got out of bed and yelled, " I'm not in the mood, Mal!" Not like that would stop her, though.

There was a pause and then someone's voice, who was not Mal. " Uh, it's Jane." He halted in the middle of the room, wondering if he should open the door or not. He slowly walked towards the door and hesitantly opened it. Jane was fully dressed in a blue dress and black sandals, and Carlos was still in his pajamas. Jane smiled at him and Carlos really wanted to shut the door in her face.

" Um.." He asked slowly, trying his best not to sound rude, " Whatcha need?"

" Yeah, sorry to bother you on a Saturday morning and everything, but I was wondering if I could borrow Dude?" Her smile didn't falter as she stepped closer into the door frame, prompting Carlos to take a step back.

"Borrow...Dude?" Carlos questioned confused, as he scrunched up his face, " What for?" Carlos accidentally stepped too far over in the door frame, leaving a spot wide open, causing Jane to take it as an invitation to walk into their room.

" Uh, okay," He shook his head as he closed the door, " Sure, just come right on into my room."

Jane looked around their room for a moment before looking back at Carlos and smiling, " I need him for a project."

" A project?" Carlos asked, highly skeptical.

" Yeah, a dog project." The smile from Jane's face had yet to fade, and it was starting to creep Carlos out.

"What's the project about?"

" Dogs," Jane spoke nervously, suddenly not looking at Carlos.

Carlos shook his head slowly, " Right.. I guess, yeah. Just let me get some stuff for him," Carlos turned around and smiled at Dude and went over to grab a few of his things. As he was rummaging through his toys and food, Jane spoke suddenly.

" Are you sure you and Jay are dating?"

He stopped what he was doing and turned around to stare at Jane. " What?" It wasn't a nervous question, or really a question at all. It was more of a snappy statement, because Jane was crazy.

" I mean, I know you told me you were, but you don't seem like it to me," Her smile was creepier than before and she was slowly moving closer to Carlos and he had a sudden realization that she hadn't really wanted to borrow Dude.

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