The Freckle Constellation

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This is ridiculously long, so I apologize for that, if that bothers some people.


The next morning, Carlos had managed to slip out from Jay's embrace and wander over to the mirror to inspect himself. His stomach sunk and he cringed at the bruise along his jaw and the scrapes lining his neck. He gingerly touched the blue bruise and pushed on it, testing to see how bad it was. The pain was bearable so he smiled softly in relief. He leaned closer towards the mirror and realized he had a small cut on his upper lip, but it wasn't too bad. After scanning himself over for a few more seconds he angrily shut his eyes and clenched his fist. He had been weak, to let that happen to himself. He could've fought back harder. But he had chosen not to from fear of being sent back to Cruella. And so now he looked like he had gotten into a fight with a lawn mower and lost. He may not be completely worthless, but he was weak. Auradon had made him weak. He was about to (regretfully) punch the mirror when he heard Jay stir. He dropped his arm and snapped his head to look at Jay, immediately putting on a facade to keep Jay from worrying.

Carlos watched as Jay pat at the spot next to him, searching for Carlos. When he couldn't find him he quickly shot up, eyes wide.

"I'm right here," Carlos spoke softly. His voice seemed to calm Jay as he slumped back down, looking less alert. Carlos bit at his lip as he shuffled back towards the bed so him and Jay could talk properly.

"Oh," Jay responded as he blinked sleepily at Carlos. "Are you okay?" He asked the question as he scanned Carlos' body, frowning slightly. He truly looked like shit. But he bet Chad looked even worse, which eased his mind a little. 

"I've been better," He tried to laugh as he sat himself down next to Jay. The bed sunk down and he scooted himself back under his covers, slightly pulling them away from Jay. "What'd you do to Chad?" Carlos had been debating on whether or not he should ask that question, thinking if he didn't know the answer then somehow maybe Jay wouldn't get in trouble for whatever he did.

Jay stared at Carlos for a few seconds before stating angrily,"I beat his fucking face in. He got what he deserved," He didn't stop looking at Carlos as he spoke. Carlos nodded slowly, knowing they were all about to get into some deep trouble. He was happy Chad had gotten a beating, although, Carlos thought he deserved a lot more than just a few punches to his 'pretty' face.

Carlos turned his eyes away from Jay's hard stare, trying to look at anything else. Jay, however, did not drop his gaze. He couldn't keep his eyes off the array of bruises on Carlos' face, and the scrapes on his neck. His eyes landed on the brown leather necklace around Carlos' neck. Jay furrowed his brows and lifted his hand to touch at his own neck. When he found that his necklace wasn't there he gaped at Carlos.

"Dude!" Jay spoke loudly and Carlos jumped. "That's my necklace!" Jay was gaping as he pointed at the brown necklace around Carlos' neck, wondering how he had managed to take it from him.

Carlos lightly smirked before stating proudly, "Yeah. What about it?" He then grinned as he twisted it into his fingers. Jay watched him twisting at it before he looked back up at his face, scowling deeply.

"You stole it!" Jay couldn't believe that Carlos had actually stolen something successfully. And from one had ever tried to steal from him. But he knew that was why Carlos was grinning so triumphantly.

"Yeah, I did," Carlos smirked. Jay leaned closer to him so Carlos leaned back, resisting to give into Jay's attacks. Jay lowered his eyes at Carlos, and Carlos did the same.

"So, give it back!" Jay demanded, slightly annoyed, but enjoying the bantering. He wouldn't admit it, but he was slightly proud of Carlos. He reached forward to try to swipe it, but Carlos ducked out of the way, dodging his hand.

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