Reach Out and Touch

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    "Absolutely not!" Jay yelled at Carlos' insane proposal. They had been arguing about it for the past ten minutes and Carlos had yet to drop it.

"Why not!" Carlos' voice was laced with anger and frustration as he threw his hands up into the air. Jay groaned as he grasped his forehead and willed himself not to scream at Carlos.

"Because, I don't-" He paused as he gestured between the two of them, "We don't, need to practice kissing! I know how to kiss perfectly well, and who the hell practices anyways?" While yes, Jay had possibly thought about kissing Carlos once or twice, he didn't actually want to do it. He didn't want to screw things up any more than they were and he was a bit appalled at the fact that Carlos thought they needed to practice.

Evie sighed dramatically as she piped into the argument. "Carlos is right. You probably should practice, because that first kiss the other day was beyond awkward." Jay's eyes burned holes into Evie's forehead and she glared back. She hadn't planned on arguing over the idea of kiss practicing. She had just wanted to give Carlos the new outfit she had made for Dude. But when she walked into their room Jay had been yelling something about practice and Carlos demanded that she stay and 'pick a side'. She had spun around and tried to leave, but was yanked back, forced to watch them bicker back and forth.

"See!" Carlos motioned towards Evie and swung back around to smirk at Jay. Jay was tight-lipped as he looked at Carlos with wide eyes. He threw his hands out in frustration and opened his mouth to speak, but immediately closed it as he threw his hands into his knotted hair.

"Okay, I get that you're freaking out a little bit," Carlos chuckled nervously as he chewed on his bottom lip. Jay and Evie both deadpan, causing Carlos to slowly stop laughing. "Alright," He eyed them both as he continued. " I get that this is uncomfortable, because yeah it's completely awkward for me, too. But if we practice, just a couple of times, then it will get less awkward and we'll look super convincing."

The room was silent as Jay paced around for what seemed like several minutes before he stopped and looked at Carlos. "Alright, fine." His answer was hesitant and barely spoken, but it still caused Carlos to grin triumphantly. Evie smiled as well, clasping her hands together in excitement.

"Sorry for snapping at you," Jay spoke louder, though he turned his gaze to the floor. "It's just a little...weird, I guess." Carlos shook his head in agreement, even though, for some reason, the statement burned a little.

"Yeah.." Carlos agreed reluctantly before quickly stating, "I just really think it will make it less awkward in the long run."

Carlos himself was a bit shocked at the idea he had practically forced onto Jay. After they kissed he had been thinking about it basically all night. It had been awkward, painfully awkward. And he knew Jay didn't do awkward. And so did other people, and if they had another kiss that awkward again, some people might get suspicious. So, finally, while tossing and turning in his bed, he had the wonderful (terrible) idea of kiss practicing. It sounded a bit crazy, and he almost didn't even mention it. But he really wanted It to be as normal as possible in public, so it was the only way he could come up with. And part of him had (really) liked kissing Jay, even if they did butt heads at first. But that was totally not the reason why he wanted Jay to kiss him several times behind closed doors. It was most definitely for acting purposes only.

"Yeah," Jay paused, suddenly remembering that they had to attend Tourney practice. "We can do it later, though. I think coach might be mad if we miss another practice." He pointed to the door and Carlos quickly scrambled forward, remembering coaches last warning on being late.

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