Instinct and Lies

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      Carlos was no doubt about it, utterly confused. It had been two days since Jay had gave him several kisses to his neck and he could not forget about it, no matter how hard he tried. His stomach fluttered every time Jay came close to him, and when Jay's face was inches from him, he secretly wished that Jay would decide to kiss his neck again. He had told Jay they had to be convincing, so Jay was only doing what he had been told to. But Carlos really wished he hadn't obeyed. Because now he was screwed. He was developing feels, real actual feelings. He hadn't had that happen to him, ever, in his loveless life. But now he had them. And not just for anybody. They were for his best friend. He had feelings for Jay. And he wasn't sure what kind they were exactly, but they were feelings and it scared him.

Jay wasn't helping Carlos' problem much, either. Jay, for the past twenty minutes had been sauntering around their room, shirtless. Carlos wasn't sure why he cared, because that was something Jay always had done. But now, under their certain circumstances, it made him uncomfortable, and he swore that Jay was doing it on purpose.

Carlos was sitting on his bed, trying his best to look nonchalant as he flipped through a book, pretending to be occupied. When Jay turned his back towards Carlos, Carlos would carefully glance up and admirer Jay's back muscles. Five seconds later Jay would be facing him again, and Carlos would make sure his face was practically shoved in his book. Carlos slowly lifted his head again, hoping Jay wasn't paying attention as his eyes raked up and down Jay's body. He accidentally made eye contact with Jay and quickly snapped his gaze back to his book.

Jay's signature smirk appeared as he felt eyes on him. He had felt Carlos' sharp gaze on him for the past ten minutes, and he tried to keep the corners of his mouth from turning up as he did his best to look clueless as he pretended to organize things around the room. At first he hadn't purposely left his shirt off, but once he caught Carlos' eyes (who thought he was being discreet) on him, he decided why not play it up a little bit, and make it fun? He turned his head and instantly made eye contact with Carlos, who immediately whipped his head back down, and acted as if he had not just been staring at him. And Jay was very glad that Carlos had been staring at him.

Jay took that moment to lick his lips and roughly say, "Something wrong?" He cocked his head as he folded his arms over and loved watching Carlos try to keep his eyes on Jay's face and not his glorious arms.

Carlos stuttered, realizing he had been caught. "N-Nothing," He cleared his throat and averted his gaze.

Jay licked his lips and stepped forward. "Sure, babe?" Jay smirked at that, knowing (hoping) he would get a reaction out of Carlos.

Carlos wasn't going to say anything, he was afraid to say something, but somehow he mumbled, "Uh, it's making me uncomfortable.." He paused as he slightly blushed, "that you're not wearing a shirt." Carlos sighed heavily and closed his eyes, realizing what he had just said. When he opened his eyes, Jay was closer and he was still wearing a smirk and had a playful look in his eyes.

"Well," Jay breathed out,"It's making me uncomfortable that you are wearing a shirt," His voice had gotten lower and Carlos tried not to look as Jay licked his lips. Carlos blushed instantly, and decided that he was going to change the subject immediately.

"We're going to have to leave for school soon, so you need to put on a shirt," Carlos tried to keep his tone loud and steady. He didn't want Jay to know that he was having an effect on him, because if Jay knew, then Carlos would never hear the end of it.

"Or we could just both go shirtless," Jay tried again, though he had backed away from Carlos' bed.

"Now." Carlos stated, loudly. He couldn't say much more than that. Jay slumped in defeat and went over to his dresser. He roughly opened the drawer and grabbed the first shirt he saw and threw it over his head.

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