The Smile

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Jane had planted the seed in Carlos' head and now, for the life of him, he couldn't stop thinking about it. He spent the remainder of the day and the majority of the weekend thinking about it. Before Jane had mentioned it, he hadn't had the tiniest hint that Aziz liked him. Hell, Carlos hadn't even had the time to think about Aziz like that, but now, god. He was so screwed.

He wanted to pretend everything was normal. He tried his best to act like it was. He was going to forget what Jane told him and if Aziz decided to talk to Carlos about it, then so be it. But, until then, he was going to play booboo the fool.

He was briefly distracted by his Aziz problems when Evie decided to lecture him on him and Jay, as usual. However, by the end of the conversation with her, he was convincing himself more and more that maybe him and Aziz could work something out. Be something. Because, anyways, him and Jay had come to an agreement hadn't they? But it had only been two days since they had come to an agreement. It was probably too soon. Definitely too soon.

The night before school the next day, when it was in-evitable he would have to talk to Jay again, Carlos and Aziz had a book review night, like the nerds that they are. When Carlos had made the plans the week prior, he had been excited. Now, though, he knew he was going to spend the entire night trying to act normal.

"You can do this," He muttered, staring at himself in the bathroom mirror. It's just your usual book review night, he told himself. Just focus on the book.

With a big sigh and final fix of his hair, he tentatively exited the bathroom and glanced around the library. He quickly spotted a blue beanie, followed by a bright smile, situated in his and Aziz's usual spot. He licked his lips, brushed the pads of his fingers on his pants and practically marched himself over to the table, to Aziz.

"Hey.." Aziz chuckled as Carlos threw himself into the opposite chair, hurriedly reaching through his bags for his notes.

"Hey!" Carlos responded, maybe a little loud.

Aziz's eyes scanned Carlos, narrowing in on his redder-than-usual face. He decided not to comment, because who likes their red face being pointed out? But then Carlos' hands scrambled up the notes and caused them to scatter everywhere. Something clearly had him distressed.

Aziz reached across the table to help rearrange the notes. When he was pulling back, his hand managed to graze Carlos' arm and Aziz was almost positive that the boy had flinched. Okay, that was it, he was asking.

"Are you okay? You seem really...something."

Carlos' head snapped up, clearing his throat. "Yeah, yeah, just, y'know..." he paused for a moment, any second longer and Aziz would've thought he was thinking of the right excuse, "a lot going on."

"Oh! And you're here, and, with me, and okay we don't have to do this tonight Carlos. You know? We can reschedule, it's okay. I don't want you to be stressed if you don't have to be." As Aziz spoke he quickly gathered up Carlos' notes and stacked them together before taking his own notes to start putting away.

Carlos was quick to react, shoving his hand forward to stop Aziz. His grip was a little firmer than needed on Aziz's arm, causing Aziz to curiously glance down before looking back at Carlos, frowning.

"No, it's not you, just Jay...Isle related stuff. Not you," he smiled reluctantly, "definitely not you." He tapered it off with a slight laugh and Aziz couldn't help but crack a smile. He had not idea what was going on.

"You sure?"

"I'm very sure," Carlos smiled, removing his hand and rearranging back his notes.

With that, they began their usual book review session. They dissected it chapter by chapter, and, like always, argued about the worst and best parts. They both usually disagreed with each other. In Carlos' mind that's what made book review night fun. They could yell at each other, but at the end of the night they knew it was all in jest and they could go on with their lives being friends. Plus, it was nice seeing Aziz topple over with laughter, wheezing as he can't get enough air after any dumb note Carlos gives on a chapter.  They could bond over stupid stuff and it was great.

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