Give Me Fries, Give Me Love

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So because of Descendants 2, I have had the inspiration to finish this! A HUGE thank you to user Dreamysansy who wrote a little bit of the beginning of this story, which I did tweak and make my own (which this user did say I could do), but this user wrote a great beginning and inspired me to write again, so thank you! I also obviously have to give credit where it's due.


Jay briskly walked out into the hallway, going to Evie's and Mal's dorm. He tried to regain his composure as he walked as fast as his legs would carry him. Once he reached their room, he roughly opened the door and entered in the room without saying a word. Mal who was sitting on the chair reading, looked up at Jay with confusion.

"What's your problem?" She asked with a little laugh; he only glared at her.

"Is it about him?" Asked Evie who was now in front of Jay; she always seemed to know what the problem was. Jay answered with a simple glare. "So that's a yes.." She added pouting a bit by Jay's hostility.

"Mind telling us what happened ?" Questioned Mal, putting her book on the table, feeling a bit concerned. Truthfully, she was hoping this drama between the two of them would end soon.

Jay shook his head while pressing his fists together. "He told me the truth and I forgave him, now our fake arrangement is over." Jay said, his voice was filled with disappointment.

"You see, we told you! Everything is alright now Jay!" Claimed Mal smiling, but Jay was frowning. "I mean, I know you don't think it is, but Jay..." Mal hadn't meant to sound so uncaring. She also didn't expect Jay to develop these type of feelings. He had never been the type to feel this way about someone. Jay just looked away. "Jay..." Evie couldn't say anything, she had run out of ideas and she didn't want to say something wrong.

"Jay.." Mal patted his shoulder, "It was all fake, remember? It's probably in you two's best interest to end it. I mean, it would never last long, and I don't mean that rudely. It's just your two personalities clash so heavily and all you ever do is argue and then make out, and then argue again! So, don't be frustrated over it, you two are right to not enter a relationship that would risk to take the both of you apart if something goes wrong." Jay glared again and his sad expression only grew bigger.

"I know ... but..we could have tried ..?" He said feeling numb by everything that was happening. "And it wasn't all fake, Mal. We all know that." He didn't know what he was supposed to feel. He should've been happy that all this chaos and drama was coming to an end, but he couldn't help but feel angry and sad and every other emotion except for happiness.

"Ok, yeah, it obviously stopped being fake a while ago, but I still don't think it'll work. I don't think you two would've been able to handle an ideal relationship. I mean, with all the flirting with girls, and for Carlos and all the insults from the others students. It seems like too much struggle to try to attempt. You two can't help but complicate things, so surely you'd complicate your relationship. You already tried, and we can see it didn't end up well. Why would you want to try it again?" Mal didn't mean to sound like a pessimist, but it was hard not to be one with the way she was raised and with the way Jay and Carlos had been acting for the past weeks. She was already sad and stressed out enough for her two friends and she didn't want anything else bad to happen.

"Okay, no," Evie interjected, scoffing heavily. "Mal, stop talking. Jay, stop listening to her."

"Evie!" Mal shouted, looking at her incredulously. Of course, Evie would be the one to still try to make Carlos and Jay happen.

"Seriously, you and Carlos seem to like each other a lot." Jay nodded at this. Evie smiled. "Okay, see great! So, try it. Wipe the slate clean and start the relationship as if you guys have never kissed, or touched, or anything. Leave the lies behind you. And yeah it's going to be a struggle, especially handling the way you flirt so much­-"

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