Trust and Be Used

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After his discussion with Mal, Jay had planned on searching the whole school for Carlos and straightening everything out. He was getting so tired of everything being so unnecessarily complicated. Jay was not going to wait any longer to talk to him, because every time they waited too long to talk to each other, bigger fights ensued. So he put on a brave face and stomped quickly through the halls, looking for his best friend.

He found the boy in the courtyard, and Jay would've smiled if Carlos hadn't been with him. Ben's tall frame was standing in front of Carlos and they seemed to be talking about something that was making Carlos laugh, which kudos for Carlos for being happy, but Jay couldn't help but be angry that it was Ben who was making Carlos laugh. Ever since Ben and Mal had broken up, Ben had seemed to take a major liking to Carlos, and though he wouldn't admit it, Ben's little charade around Carlos made Jay's blood boil.

Jay realized he must've been staring at the pair for a little too long, because when he came out of his daze, he realized Carlos was looking straight at him. Jay tried to smile, showing that he had no ill intent. When he took a step forward, he watched as Carlos frowned and took Ben by the arm, tugging him away. Jay continued to walk towards the pair, because even Ben wasn't going to stop him from fixing things with Carlos.

Carlos pushed at Ben's back and they seemed to be rushing out of the courtyard. Jay lowered his eyes and watched as the two quickly scurried away.

"Carlos!" Jay shouted, thinking that maybe the boy hadn't seen him. But he had, because when Jay called his name Carlos turned his head and gave Jay a gruff scowl before turning back around and walking off with Ben.

Jay bit at his lip angrily to refrain from yelling or shouting something stupid. Why couldn't Carlos just talk to him? Carlos had to know that avoiding the subject was just going to cause more chaos. And the fact that he was involving Ben? That just made the situation ten times worse. Who knows what Carlos had been telling Ben.

Carlos had told Jay that he didn't like Ben. That it would be too weird, with Mal and everything, but Jay didn't really know if he should believe him. The thought made Jay a little angry, because Carlos was being so stupid by hanging out with Ben. Rumors would start, and they really didn't need that. He knew whatever he was doing with Ben was probably innocent, but just to be sure, he was going to find a way to get Carlos alone without Ben in the way to ruin anything.

He figured the best person to help him with his issue would be Mal. Not that she would be willing to help, but she would be the best person to solve it if she did actually agree to help. Jay found her talking in a circle with a group of girls, and if he hadn't been so upset he probably would've taken the time to flirt with each one. But right then, all he could think of was Carlos, and he had to fix whatever he had managed to fuck up.

When he reached the group he walked behind Mal and roughly latched onto her arm and pulled her away. She made a disgruntled noise and tried to shoo Jay away.

"What the hell Jay!" She shouted, pushing Jay's hand away from her arm.

"Sorry, I need your help," Jay made a lame attempt at a smile, and he was met with Mal's famous scowl.

She scoffed and managed a weak laugh as she responded. "Why would I help you after you rudely shoved me away from a conversation?"

"Because it has to do with Carlos."

Mal deadpanned, though she did have the thought of screaming, because holy crap she was so done with their mess. "No."

"No?" Jay tilted his head in confusion. "But-"

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