it's not his story

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only one more chapter after this!!!!!

When Jay and Aziz stood in front of each other it was like they were looking in a mirror, Evie thought. They didn't have identical faces, of course, but they had an abundance of characteristics and features that were creepy similar. To Evie, it was almost laughable that Carlos decided to start dating Aziz. He might as well have been dating a carbon copy. She wasn't going to bring it up, Mal clearly didn't want to talk about it, which was fine. And Carlos and Jay had to know in some form of capacity, and if they didn't. Well, then they really were the biggest idiots in all of Auradon.

When they finally got to meet Aziz, Evie was surprised. She truly wanted to hate him, but it really wasn't possible. From what she could see, Aziz had a true heart and was incredibly kind. He had good intentions and that's all Mal and Evie really wanted for their friend. Carlos was happy. Jay was happy.

The second day Aziz ate lunch with them, Evie watched intently as Jay fidgeted in his seat. Carlos was currently joking with Aziz. Jay was smiling but it seemed forced. He looked like he wanted to be apart of the conversation but felt like he was unwanted. Evie had leaned over, tapping Jay on the shoulder.

She smiled brightly at him, giving him the tightest side hug she could manage. "Mal and I would absolutely love to hear how your day is going today." Jay returned her smile, grateful for the distraction.

That, Evie was going to have to talk to him about. Just days ago he had claimed to be happy for Carlos. That everything was fine and it would stay that way. But watching him, then, it was like viewing another person. Jay's flip had switched and he looked betrayed and annoyed all once. Something had changed. And Evie being Evie couldn't let it rest. She had to make sure that all of her friends were okay and happy. Seeing Jay upset but pretending to be happy just wouldn't do.

That night, Evie had gently invited Jay into her room. He had seemed weary, considering Mal and Carlos weren't invited into the conversation. One on One's in their group always signified something serious. Jay hated their serious talks.

"Is Mal not coming?" Jay asked.

"No," Evie sighed. "She wouldn't want to be here anyways. She's been a little grumpy lately."

That drew a laugh from Jay. "She's always grumpy." Evie nodded in agreement. She gently guided Jay to sit on her bed. She followed suit, plopping herself down and sitting close to Jay so that their shoulders were touching.

"But, we're not here to discuss Mal."

"And what are we here to discuss exactly?" Jay gave Evie a concerned look as he kicked his feet back and forth on the carpet.

"You seemed a little sad at lunch." Evie stopped, giving Jay time to speak if he wanted to refute the accusation. She knew he probably would.

Jay's face immediately scrunched up in doubt. He gave Evie a look that was supposed to make her feel stupid. "No?"

"Well, to me you seemed sad. You weren't sad earlier, so I just thought I would ask if you're okay."

Jay bit at his lip, debating. It wasn't easy lying to Evie and he didn't like doing it. "I'm fine. I'm not horrible but I'm not great." He sighed. "Fine."

Evie nodded as she brushed a piece of hair out of Jay's face. She tapped the corner of his eye, willing him to look her in the eye. "Is that all?"

Jay nodded.

Evie didn't want to force the truth out of him. She never wanted her friends to be tricked or feel pressured into telling her their problems. She just wanted them to feel better. She knew telling another person what is wrong usually helps her, but Jay didn't agree with her on that. He would keep everything bottled up forever if he could. She knew there was more. Jay was fidgety and avoiding eye contact. He clearly wanted out of the situation. She was going to ask him one last thing before letting him leave.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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