Broken and Bruised

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Sorry, this has a lot more curse words than normal. I only did it because it fit with the circumstances.

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Jay tried to keep his eyes from wandering to Carlos' sleeping form as he got ready for the day. He threw on a shirt and found himself looking at Carlos again. He sighed and quickly snapped his gaze away. His chest tightened and he had to tell himself to stop focusing on Carlos.

He didn't like what he was feeling, and he didn't need it. He always knew he felt different towards Carlos. The first year they all knew each other Jay liked being around Mal and Evie, but he found he liked being around Carlos more. He always tried to tell himself that it was because Carlos was a dude, and he was like a brother he never had. But then Jay began stealing things for Carlos ( "And you steal things for your dad because you're trying to gain his love" Mal had said and then smirked). And Jay realized what Mal had meant; what his feelings were for Carlos. So he stopped stealing things for Carlos, stopped going to his house, he distanced himself completely so he wouldn't have to deal with any feelings that villains weren't supposed to have. Carlos had been hurt by the sudden distance and they stopped hanging out, occasionally seeing each other by the force of Mal or Evie. So he had forgotten about his unwanted feelings for the de Vil boy, and now they were back. And he was freaking the hell out —but he wasn't going to push him away— Not again.

He didn't want the feelings, though. He wasn't sure how to handle it, and it was getting harder and harder to control himself each day. He wanted to shout at Carlos for being so oblivious. He knew Carlos thought it was fake. Just a fake arrangement, just acting, they both had agreed. But Carlos had been so stupid. It's never just acting. He tries to kiss Carlos like he does other girls, but he can't. He kisses Carlos with emotion, with meaning, and Carlos still thinks it's fake. And that makes him want to scream.

(But he knows Carlos deserves better. So Jay smiles and puts on a facade, happily agreeing: It's fake).

Jay angrily runs his hand over his forehead and tries to hold in a shout. He happens to glance at their alarm clock and takes note that it's 8:05. School had started five minutes before. He couldn't help but laugh lightly, knowing how angry Carlos was going to be.

"Carlos!" He shouted as loud as he could. Carlos sat up quickly, nearly falling off the bed. He blinked his eyes several times before he opened them and glared at Jay. He slightly pouted and Jay couldn't help but smirk and admire Carlos' body because he was shirtless (he was hardly ever shirtless).

"Don't get mad at me," His smirk was laced through his voice and Carlos tried to lie back down, "We're late for school. Like, officially late." Jay's eyes lit up with humor as he watched Carlos wildly undo himself from his blankets and practically fall out of his bed. When he was back on his feet he dashed to find an outfit.

"What the hell, Jay!" He was scrambling around the room, grabbing things left and right. Jay had already finished getting ready, so he gladly watched Carlos frantically get ready.

Carlos had a blue shirt bunched up in his left hand —which was an odd color choice for him, Jay had thought— and was kicking at clothes on the ground as he shouted in a panic, "Shorts! I can't find any fucking shorts!"

Jay chuckled, wondering why he hadn't checked in his drawer that was full of shorts. He spotted a pair of black shorts bundled up near his feet so he swiftly bent down and grabbed them. "Here ya go, dork wad," He shoved them at Carlos, who took them gladly. Carlos put on the shorts first, almost face planting as his leg missed the hole from being in such a rush. He hollered happily once his shorts were on and he hastily pulled the blue shirt over his head.

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