What Did We Do?

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           Carlos wishes Jay and his first time had been special. That it had been meaningful, that it wasn't just a way to use each other; a way to vent their emotions through unhealthy means. It was filled with lust and raw anger and confusion, and Carlos wishes it had been different. He's not sure how Jay feels, but he knows neither one of them are going to talk about it.

It happened on a Friday, after the last detention for Jay, Evie, and Mal. It was also the two month anniversary since they had started their little charade. Since Carlos had gotten a week less of detention, he spent the evenings in his bedroom, working on homework or inventions, waiting for his friends to get finished. It was boring, but he didn't want to make anymore friends as Fairy Godmother had instructed them to do. He did hang out with Jane the first day he had to wait for his friends to get out of detention, but he decided he would not do that again. He found that she liked to pry; ask personal questions he didn't want to answer. Slowly he realized their friendship was built on lies, and he knew she didn't deserve that. So, instead of chatting up Jane on the nights he's waiting for Jay to get back, he spends it talking to Dude and messing with wires and trinkets.

It's nearly ten at night and Carlos is trying to decide where to place a wire when Jay barges in, a bottle of alcohol in his hand and a wide grin plastered on his face. Carlos jumps, partially startled and gazes curiously at the bottle in Jay's hand. He doesn't know how Jay managed to come across it, and he decides he doesn't want to know. Instead, he asks, " Why do you have that?"

The grin on Jay's face does not falter as he shouts, "To celebrate!"

Carlos can't help but laugh. Jay's logic doesn't make much sense. They just got done serving detention for having illegal items, and Jay wants to celebrate with another illegal item which could get him sent right back to detention. (Or to the Isle).

"Oh, good idea," Carlos responds sarcastically as he lets out another low chuckle. He plays with the wires attached to his machine, causing Jay to gaze at it.

"What's that?" He seems genuinely interested which causes Carlos to smile widely.

"I'm trying to make a self-running vacuum," He flicks at the wires again and then watches as Jay nods his head and twists open the top to the bottle.

"That could sell for some good cash," Jay looks at the machine again and then takes a long swig of the liquid, burning his throat as it goes down.

"I guess..." Carlos mumbles, watching intently as Jay drinks from the bottle. Jay seems to notice the hard stare from Carlos, finishing a sip before offering it to Carlos.

"Want some?"

Carlos pauses a moment. "What is it?"

Jay looks at the label, "Mm..whiskey? I dunno, it all tastes the same to me."

Carlos pauses again, contemplating if he really wants to do something so stupid. It was something him and Jay (and sometimes Mal, but never Evie) used to do on the Isle whenever they managed to get their hands on it. They obviously never used it for the taste, but to numb their pain. To make them forget about the painful hell they lived in. It made everything perfect for a little bit, and suddenly, Carlos realized he missed that feeling, he missed it a lot.

Carlos nearly lunged forward, scrambling for the bottle while speaking, "Give it." He wrapped his fingers around the cold glass and ripped it from Jay's hands. He quickly put it to his mouth and drank a generous amount, enough to leave a heavy burning sensation down his throat. It was foul and gross, but it was oh so familiar. It worked its way down his body and warmed his bones. He let his eyes close for a split second, because this was what felt like home. Without realizing it, he took another heavy chug, causing it to be taken away from his greedy hands.

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