He Did It

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Mal was angry and Carlos wouldn't let her do anything about it. It wasn't fair, she just wanted to get even with Chad, maybe even more so, but that was normal for her and for the rest of the group. Carlos had always been fine when the three of them stuck up for him back at the Isle, but now he wanted nothing to do with it and that really pissed her off. And she only felt worse when she gazed at the bruises on Carlos' face for too long.

Chad hadn't shown up to school for the day, and everyone was highly relieved. No one questioned where he was, and that was even better. Carlos knew whatever Jay, Mal, and Evie had done to Chad wouldn't heal over night, but he was at least out of trouble for one day. But he was still terrified, and he seemed to be the only one.

Mal and Evie stalked into Carlos' and Jay's room with grins plastered on their faces and Carlos wanted to do nothing but smack them right off. How could they be so calm about the whole situation?

"Well," Mal began but stopped upon seeing the tiny purple marks littering the side of Carlos' neck. Her eyes went wide before she smirked over at Evie. "Oh shit," Mal laughed causing Carlos to lower his eyes in confusion.

"What?" Carlos asked, looking between the two girls. They were giggling like idiots while staring at him, and he suddenly felt self-conscious.

"You have a little something," Evie motioned towards her neck, "in this whole area." She laughed again as Carlos' hands flew up to his neck, still wondering what she meant. He could feel Jay tense next to him, and he suddenly remembered. His face immediately turned crimson red and he quickly tugged at his collar, hoping to hide the marks.

"Well there's no use in hiding them now," Mal muttered, amused with the flustered boy.

Jay watched as Carlos continued to tug at his collar and he tried to avoid eye contact with both Mal and Evie. Leaving marks on Carlos had seemed like a great idea at the time, but now he was beginning to seriously regret it. He hadn't even thought what Mal and Evie would assume from the situation.

"Okay," Carlos muttered, not liking the situation one bit. "You obviously came in here for a reason, what is it?" He scowled over at Mal and she scowled back, crossing her arms while leaning onto her left leg.

"We just wanted to know if you guys have heard anything from or about Chad?" She continued to glare at Carlos, who was gladly returning it.

"No," Carlos ground out, angry at the mention of Chad again. That's all their conversations had been centered around for the past 48 hours and he was getting really tired of it. Jay glanced down at Carlos, mustering up his best concerned look. He lightly shook Carlos' arm, trying to tell him to chill out a bit. Carlos stared at Jay for a moment before lightly rolling his eyes and looking back at Mal and Evie.

"No," Jay repeated for Carlos, "Why?"

"Just wanted to make sure he hadn't gotten us into trouble yet or anything. I'm not in the mood for that today," Mal answered followed by a roll of her eyes.

"Mood?" Carlos scoffed, " You're not in the mood? You're the one who brought this on. We're going to get in trouble, Mal. So deal with it."

"Why are you mad?" Evie interjected. Carlos hardly got angry, and it was never towards his friends. They had just been trying to help him, so why was he snapping at them?

"Because I had it dealt with," Jay scoffed at the statement causing Carlos to jab him hard in the side. "Well Jay and I did. I knew we would probably get in trouble for whatever Jay did, but it wouldn't be too bad. But then you guys had to go and use magic to do something everyone else would consider evil," Carlos' voice was rising, and Mal was stepping closer, anger clear on her face.

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