The Breakfast Club

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     Carlos was sweating the whole walk down to the office. It felt like they were being escorted to a prison cell. Fairy Godmother walked with a purpose in front of them and Ben was walking behind Jay and Carlos as if they would bolt at any minute. On the way they picked up Mal and Evie who looked just as nervous as the boys did. Mal and Evie filed behind Jay and Carlos without saying a word. The walk was awkward. No one dared to say a word, and Carlos didn't like the look Ben had on his face. And to top it off their group looked suspicious as hell. They had to walk down a hallway filled with teenagers who were quick to whisper and gaze curiously at them. Carlos knew what they thought. They were a group of four 'trouble-making' villains who were shoved in between Ben, who looked disappointed, and The Fairy Godmother who looked mad as hell. He didn't blame them for making assumptions, but it still pissed him off.

"I bet they tried to steal the wand again," Jay heard muttered in the crowd. He scoffed at the ridiculous insinuation. If they were going to steal the wand, no one would know. (At least, not this time).

"Hey buddy," Jay began, looking for whoever made the statement. "Fuc-"

"Jay!" Carlos yelped, jabbing him in the side. They were already in enough trouble, they didn't need to get in anymore, especially over something so stupid. Jay muttered something under his breath but settled back into line and kept his mouth shut.

Carlos looked quickly behind his shoulder and locked eyes with Mal. She showed confusion as he glared at her. When he looked at Evie all she could do was smile slowly at him. If anyone was going to give them away, it would be her. She looked extremely nervous and she had always been the worst at lying. Carlos wished at that moment he and Evie could telepathically communicate so he could tell her to keep her mouth shut.

When they got to the office, the tension seemed to rise. The four of them weren't sure if they should stand or sit, so they opted to stand side by side in front of Fairy Godmother's desk. Ben stood off to the side while clasping his hands, gazing at the group as if he had something very important to say. Jay didn't understand why they had to take orders from him. He was a 16 year old teenager just like the rest of them. What kind of place puts a teenager in charge?

"So, why are we here?" Mal asked, forcing a smile onto her face. Play dumb, that was always the route to go.

"I think you would know," Fairy Godmother said simply, tilting her head ever so slightly.

"Excuse me?" Mal gave a nervous chuckle, looking to her friends for help.

"I don't know if you know this," Ben butted in, stepping forward. "But Chad wasn't at school today."

Jay tried not to scowl as he stated roughly, "Okay. And that's our problem how?"

"I'm glad you asked, Jay." Fairy Godmother smiled as she placed her hands in front of her, on top of the desk. " When a student doesn't show up for school and doesn't notify any teacher as to why they're gone, it is protocol to go check up on them once the day of schooling is over." She pauses for emphasis, causing the group to tense slightly. "When we had a teacher go check on Chad, we found him tied to a chair with bruises all along his face. And then when we tried to ask him a question we found out that he couldn't speak because of some spell that had been cursed on him. We found that rather odd since no one at Auradon are taught spells such as those. It took us nearly two hours to find a reverse spell. And when he was able to speak, do you want to know what he told us?"

"Sure, what?" Carlos sighed, stuffing his hands into his pocket. Everything was about to go downhill.

"That you four ganged up on him last night." The four of them immediately went into a commotion, all talking over one another. They should've saw this coming, they should've known that he would twist the story.

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