FIVE: Operation Blockade I

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We stand at the launch area, standing side by side, ready to go off and out to the ocean. First Torpedo Squadron and Second Battleship Division already launched off.
Our mission in this: launch off fighter coverage for the Torpedo Squad, and when engagement starts, bomb the Abyssals.
"Alright girls," Pennsylvania says over our radios. "We've got two I-Classes, some carriers, and some cruisers out there that need sunk. You all know what to do. Langley, Lexington, you're up. I'll be in contact."
Langley and Lexington look at each other, nodding. They step forward, us other three following them up to a group of little pads. We step on them, machinery coming out of the ground and chains coming out of the walls. In all, the various things held our Outfits, our very reason for existing (besides the Admiral and...some other things). Our carriers consist if four main parts: floaters, which act like boots or shoes; the quiver, which holds out arrows; the bow and airstrip-one fires and the other lands planes and makes them arrows; and the boiler, which was a main power source.
Besides that, there was our armor, which had a different phrase printed on it depending on the ship. Mine said, "Victory on the Dawn's Horizion," and it means that victory would be just ahead of me.
The chains bring out the parts of the Outfit, all of them slipping over me like a glove, which was also part of my loadout.
Then the gates open,m and water started to flood in to the launching area. We all rose with it; the floaters kept us...afloat. Langley pushed off, Yorktown following behind her.
I look at Lexington, see in her smirk a bit, then push off. Myself and Wasp follow her, our bows already drawn and knocked.
We fire them off, watching as they burst into flames, then becoming fighters that I was told were F4U Corsairs, or something like that.
Lex does the same a few minutes later, and I can see Langley and Yorktown's off in the distance.
And over the dawn's horizon, I hear the sound of faint explosions, screeching, and jeers.
Operation Blockade has began, and we were too late with out fighters.

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