Realizing His Feelings (His Pov)

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Yeah I know everyone freaking does this.

Freddy Fazbear-

It's been amazing having (y/n) around the pizzeria. Somehow she just brightens the scenery, and it makes me feel all warm inside. It was weird, since I've never felt this before.

"People call it 'love' so maybe you love her. I don't know so don't fucking ask me." My brother Golden told me.

'Love? That only exists in fairytales. But if that is the case then, I better tell (y/n)- No wait! What if it destroys our new found friendship?! Aw! Why can't I just be a heartless animatronic like Golden!?' I thought to myself.

(.-. whatever you wanna call it Fred)

(y/n) looked at me and smiled, as she walked into the pizzeria.

I smiled back and shyly waved at her.

"Hey Freddy, how's your day going so far?" She asked.

'So angelic'

"I-It's been alright, not as busy as the other day." I replied.

She grinned at me and poked my cheek with her index finger, "Are you sure it's 'alright'? Come on Freddy! You can tell me if something's wrong." She told me.

'Such enchanting eyes'


'Why is it so easy to get lost in her eyes? Her beautiful complexion doesn't help either. And silky (h/c) locks.'

"Freddy? Hello? Anyone home in Fazland?" (y/n) asked, waved a hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my train of thought.

"S-sorry (y/n) I was just thinking about something." I told her.

"You must have been thinking hard. Is of something important?" She asked.

I shook my head.

'Ill tell her when it feels right.'

Chico Chicken

Being around (y/n) has been amazing these past few days. She tells the funniest jokes I've ever heard, she loves pranking the other animatronics with me and she loves pizza!

I mean that is the best combination for a girl to have! Well in my opinion.

And somehow (y/n)'s laugh and smile make my chest feel all warm inside! I asked Chica what it was about and she told me it's this thing called 'love'.

"Hey Chico, you okay bud?" (y/n)'s voice snapped me out of my lovey dovey land.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." I replied to her.

"You've been staring off into space for the past 10 minutes. Are you sure your alright?" She asked, putting a concerned hand on top of mine.

I quickly felt a slight warm heat build up in my cheeks.

"I-I'm fine! How about we go and make a pizza?" I suggested.

"Ok then! Let's go!" She cheered and pulled my hand towards the kitchen.

Sure I don't know what exactly 'love' is, but I'm glad I fell in love with (y/n).


For some reason everytime I see (y/n), my heart races and me cheeks get all pink! Am I more broken? I mean I don't feel broken or glitchy.

'This isn't a glitch Foxy, it's what the people outside call 'love'. Apparently it's when you get nervous around someone you love.' Marionette had just told me.

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