"Sagie Bedward" | Percy Jackson and the Olympians

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Hey, hey, hey,

My name is Shay!

I'm... not a D.J.


Have a nice day!

Okay. THAT was lame. I'm never doing that again, especially since my name isn't Shay. It's Sagie. Sagie Bedward, daughter of Athena, thank you very much. For the record, my talent doesn't lie in writing. I decided to keep a journal, though, because it seemed like the popular thing to do. Everyone should write a journal. Go, now! Start your own journal!

...who am I talking to?

Well, whoever I'm talking to, here's a little about myself. Appearance wise, I'm a fourteen year old girl with gray eyes and auburn hair. I'm about 1.57 metres and I have an athletic build. My dad's all out English... except that he likes living in California better. That's where I was born. We visit his parents in Wales every now and again, when the money comes around.

Back to me. I said I was athleticly built. I'm great at dodge ball and sword fighting for the same reason: fast reflexes. I like to keep in shape. Besides the climbing wall and capture the flag are a ton of fun! I also enjoy archery, but not nearly as much as guns.

Yes, I'm a bit obsessed with guns. <3 It's my dad's fault. He took me hunting once when I was REALLY young, and I've been hooked ever since.

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