"PyroMagi" | Pokemon

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*The underground had a cave in, blocking off several tunnels. The dust hasn't quite settled yet, and PyroMagi found herself on the other side of a wall of rocks.*

Pyro felt herself being nudged awake. She was lying, face-down, on hard, cold stone. Pyro lifted herself off the ground, inhaling and then spitting out dust. The first thing she saw was a Charmander, its flame lighting the area around them.

“FlameSqirt!” she shouted, throwing her arms around her Pokemon. Another nudge made Pyro look around. Her Mightyena stood there and she promptly gave him a hug also.

“Wolfeh, Flame, are you two okay?” she asked, and then, “Where are the others?”

Wolfeh pushed his nose under Pyro's arm and gave her a little push by her PokeBalls.

“Oh yeah!” Pyro rejoiced, standing instantly. She handled each ball carefully before releasing her other four Pokemon.

Standing, sitting, and laying in front of her was a motely crea that few would expect from such a young trainer. You've already met the Charmander named FlameSqirt and the Mightyena named Wolfeh, but she also had: a Cubone called Érobyn, a Sneasle named Viper, a Dratini called DraconiEve, and a Machop named _______.

“I'm sorry for forcing you in those retched balls,” Pyro sighed, remembering the incident, “but that's all I could do to keep you safe.” All six of her Pokemon huddled closer and gave their appreciation in their own way. Wolfeh licked her scratched cheek while FlameSqirt gave her arm a squeeze.

Greeting: This is a friendly battle, of course.


Send out 1: Well, here it goes, I suppose!

Return: Aw, PPPPPPPPPP, c'mere! You did your best!

Send out 2: You can go out now, PPPPPPPPPP!

Win: I couldn't have done it without my lovelies!

Thanks, Pokemon!

Lose: Neyeah. XP

Oh well, maybe next time.

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