"Robin of the Hood" | The Legends of Robin Hood

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Fanfictions - Legend

Robin Hood

 “And he was like, 'I don't know!'”

The sea of students erupted into a fresh wave of laughter before cheering the comedian off the stage. After Tucker Chase bowed into backstage, Principal Merril came back on stage, also clapping.

“Thank you Friar Tuck! That was wonderful!” she said smiling. “Our last performance will be—”

“Excuse me!” came a harsh voice. Everyone turned back to see an army filing in through the auditorium doors. The leader wore black leather from head to toe, shielding his face with a wolfish mask. “I'm here for Robin of Locksley.”

The room went deathly silent. Everyone knew Robin. He was the son of a lord who was against the Prince John regime. He was also a prankster, but he seemed to be in a lot more trouble now than he ever was before.

“Ro-Robin,” Principal Merril uttered in fear. “S-stand up...”

Robin hesitated, adrenalin coursing through him. Everything told him there was something wrong. Deadly wrong. Though he didn't know the specific leader of the soldiers who interrupted their assembly, he knew that an army coming for him would be very very bad.

He stood up. “I-I'm here,” he managed to whisper.

Robin could hear the smile in the leader's voice as he replied, “Good. Come with me, son. Quickly!”

Robin hurried out of his seat and, shaking, walked to the man in leather. He had never been so afraid in his life. Though he wanted to run, he knew he couldn't and he thought it might be a bad idea anyway.

“That's a good boy,” he said with mock gentleness. “Nice and easy.”

Robin slowed to a scared stop in front of the army, conscious of all the watchful and equally fearful eyes on him.

The leader then announced, with a laugh, “Say good bye to Robin of Locksley! Robert, Lord of Locksley Manor, is dead!”

Robin stopped breathing. The whole crowd gasped and started to murmur. Robert was Robin's father, and his protection. It was because of Robert that Robin was still alive. Not to mention he loved his father. Now his father was... dead? He bit back tears, realizing just what this meant for him.

“Robin is set to hang tonight!”

Snickers rose up among the gathered soldiers behind Leather Man. Robin looked up to the man's face and realized he could see his mouth, shadowed by the wolf's snout over the rest of his features. The lips curled, revealing sharp canines, making his appearance even more wolfish. A chill ran down Robin's spine. Eye slits showed gray eyes, filled with dark elation.

The man knelt so he had to tilt his chin up to see Robin. “Do you know who I am?” he said so quietly that only the nearest people heard him. “I am Guy of Gisbourne, and I have been sent here by Prince John himself.” Robin struggled to swallow, but his mouth was completely dry. “The prince is tired of your frivolous father, and your own antics. It is my job to put an end to your worthless family.”

Robin could only take in shallow breaths. Guy placed a hand on the boy's upper arm, as though to console him. Robin glared at it, thinking only of the mockery of the gesture. A low chuckle emanated from Guy's throat.

“Don't worry,” he muttered. “You'll be with your father soon.” His chuckled soared into a booming laugh that echoed around the room like the roar of a distant tornado. Then he stood again and turned Robin around so he faced his classmates before addressing the hushed students.

“Please, stay for this event!” he invited warmly. “We'll perform the hanging in a few minutes, right there on your very own stage.” He pointed straight ahead to the stage, where Miss Merril still stood, transfixed as an ice sculpture. Everyone turned to see her white face, fresh mutters breaking out. While the attention was elsewhere, Guy pushed Robin to the side, where a soldier waited and tied a cord around Robin's wrists behind his back. With a nod from Guy, the soldier prodded him out of the auditorium.

Guy opened his arms wide. “Today, a grand event is going to take place. That boy has been skirting the law for years with no one to put him in check and his father explaining away his wrong doings. Now the law has come for him, and he will account for his actions. Today, justice will be had!”

He smiled as though his announcement should bring cheers from the audience, but the only cheers he heard were from his soldiers behind him. This didn't deter him, though, and he strode regally toward the stage.

As for Robin, he quivered in the forceful arms of the two soldiers guiding him around the circular auditorium. He stared at his surroundings with new eyes; eyes of fear and disbelief, eyes wondering at how his fate had come to him. He knew the arts department well. The auditorium was like the centerpiece, where all the performances were held. Stage right was where the orchestra, choir, and band rooms were. Stage left housed visual and dramatic arts. The school's layout burned in his mind from various expeditions in pranking over his past years as a middle school student.

Is it really all going to end soon? It can't! I haven't even seen the high school! The thoughts of a desperate child whirled in Robin's mind until the emotion seeped out of him like an overflow. Once they made it backstage the roundabout way, Robin had stopped crying and his mind was blank. Nothing processed for him anymore. The whole ordeal was too much for him. A final thought penetrated his consciousness.

Maybe this is a good thing.

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