Ghost of Fanfictions Past

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Chapter Index

Part 1: Chapter Index

This is the chapter index. Obviously. ^^

Part 2: “Happy Chakara” Fandom- Yu-Gi-Oh! | Written- before 2008?

I had an idea for a card and an epic scenario surrounding it, and wrote this piece without a second thought. There was no planning, even on the names, so whatever is there is what came out of my mind in the moment. Since writing this piece, I think I know how to improve on it, especially the character. The idea still interests me.

Part 3: “PyroMagi” Fandom- Pokemon | Written- around the time of that Wii game... I'll look it up.

I haven't played a game involving the Underground, but I remember my siblings talking about it and how much fun it was. When I wrote this piece, they told me that's not how the Underground works. I didn't care, and asked them to help me put together a party with the same names as in the piece. I liked coming up with those names. I probably won't do much more with this in the near future.

Part 4: “Damon” Fandom- Percy Jackson and the Olympians | Written- May 17, 2011

This CHB fanfic is actually a crossover with Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, and I love the concept even now. This is one I don't mind continuing. I have more written, I just don't know where...

Part 5: “Chelsea G. Host” Fandom- Danny Phantom | Written- September 2010

I always thought it was stupid that no one recognized Danny Fenton as Danny Phantom. So, I made a girl ghost who made the connection! I have artwork for her, but it is really bad, Just like my old writing! Unfortunately, all I can find are the notes, so that's what you get to read.

Part 6: “The True History of the Battle of Mordred” Fandom- multiple | Written- 2007-2008 school year

This was a project done for Latin class. At my high school, all language students had to get into groups to make movies, completely in the language of the class. (This kinda sucked for kids taking two languages.) Our movie was a LEGOmation that year. Unfortunately, we lost half the sound. Here is the script I wrote, and the Latin version my group translated (with our teacher's help). If you're really interested, I can put the videos on YouTube. =D

Part 7: “Shmii Says: Pendragon” Fandom- Pendragon | Written- between RR & SoH I think

Also called “The Pendragon Adventure: Book One: The Merchant of Death: Silly Soldiers of Ravinia Version.” I didn't get very far with it. Maybe that's a good thing. XP

Part 8: “Sagie Bedward” Fandom- Percy Jackson and the Olympians | Written- October 6, 2011

I was making a point about the way people were writing back then. Well, a lot of people still start stories this way. Heh. At the same time, though, I really liked Sagie, so I wanted to write something for her. I don't think I'll ever go back to her, unless she's an extra in one of my other CHB fanfics.

Part 9: “Robin of the Hood” Legend- Robin Hood | Written- January 2009?

Not exactly fanfiction, more of an AU (alternate universe). I still love this one and want to go back to it. It stated as a role play on The Pendragon Adventure forums, which are gone now, so I don't have all of it anymore. If people are interested, we can rp it again!

Part 10: “Mystery of Ramik Plot” Fandom- Neopets | Written- 2004

Codename: Prom. I never told anyone about this because I wanted it to be a real Neopets plot. I also wanted to make it happen all by myself, which meant I wanted it finished before revealing it to anyone. I think you all know how that goes with me. ^^; Gah, typing this up, rereading it, was absolutely painful. I think this is the worst of my fanfics past.

Part 11: “Dane” Fandom- Pendragon | Written- September 28, 2007

*cringes* Oh, this wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Still painful, but not that bad. I wrote this in a Fantasy Writers' Guild meeting. We weren't an official club at my high school back then.Also includes notes for the "rest" of the fanfic.

Part 12: “Nix Twins” Fandom- multiple | Written- who knows when lol

My "ultimate" rp characters.

Part 13: Bonus- My Life as a King Game Transcript

I didn't write this. I just copied (word-for-word) what is said at the beginning of the game. I'm probably going to put this on GameFAQs once it's done... if I get it done. I kinda got too into actually playing again instead of transcribing. XD Plus, the game is at my dad's house, so I'll have to buy my own copy some time.

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