"Dane" | Pendragon

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FWG – Sep. 28, 2007

Prompt: *name* sat in a fetal position with his face baried in his knees. Hot tears streamed down his face. Why? he asked himself. ~Author name withheld.

Danethur sat in a fetal position with his face buried in his knees. Hot tears streamed down his face.

Why? he asked himself.

The events that led to this were the most terrifying things he had ever seen, ever heard, ever known. Few could boast that they had been through the same. To do so would be a crime against human life.

How could someone do that to others? The confusion raced through his head like a fox after a fish. The strange occurances started the morning of his tenth birthday. Dane had woken early and jumped out of bed when he thought of presents.

Dane searched all around the kitchen, the living room, and various other places, but found nothing. Disappointed, he slumped on the couch and waited for his family to wake. That's when they came.

The blue-eyed boy looked curiously to the door, which had slammed open. A strange gold light filtered in with the sun. Shadows hunched in the door frame. Dane could see that they wore dark clothes and strange masks. One of the two turned to him and a chill ran down his spine. He sat frozen in fear until a thought entered his mind to hide. Dane scurried behind the couch as the figures crossed the threshold.

Sudden bangs and crashings sounded from outside. Dane saw flashes of light through the window-blinds to which accompanied the sounds. Screams were added to the ensuing chaos; Dane shivered.

Another figure entered the room and stopped. Its head looked around the room, and even though Dane ducked his head again, the figure began walking toward him. Before he knew what happened, Dane was lifted off his toes. The figure carried him out of the house where he saw other people and figures. The sun was only a few degrees above the homes, but smoke covered it enough to make the surrounding area dark and evil-looking.

Dane was dumped in a cage with other shivering kids from his neighborhood. Some were crying and only then did he feel salty tears on his own cheeks. They waited in fear as the chaos continued and eventually someone threw a thick blanket over them, muffling the scene around them.


Several hours later, Dane found himself and the others in an otherwise empty room. As they took stock of their surroundings, a door opened. One of the figures whom they had grown so fond of, entered and pulled a random boy out again by the wrist. That boy was Dane.

Dane bit his lip as he was led down a hallway of similar styles as the room. Dim lights wavered form the ceiling. There were several doors on both sides of the hall, but no windows. No one else was around, either.

They finally entered a door on the left and Dane was shoved in. It was a relitivly small, gray room with a desk in one corner and three round things on the oposite wall. The door behind him seemed to slam shut and the circle on the right swung open. It was like a hatch and behind it was a black tube. It almost looked like a bed.

The figure lifted the petrified Dane onto the bed-like object, then strapped him down. Sweat poured down his face and he held back a whimper. The bed began sliding back in, shrouding Dane in darkness. Then the hatch closed with a reverberating bang and he couldn't hear a thing. He smelled something sweet and even in his fear, his eyes began to droop. Dane was out in seconds.


Dane woke up on the morning of his birthday, thinking about the strange dream he had. He threw off the covers, shaking his head to clear his foggy mind for the task ahead. The boy ran down the stairs and began searching the house.

Ghost of Fanfictions Past [COMPLETE]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora