Nix Twins

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Nix Twins

Nix, Caleb Alfin & Angie Kera, Twins

Neopet Role Play

Caleb is a Christmas Zafara ♥

Angie is... uh... I don't remember. D= Rainbow Xweetok

Wolf RP (Fantasy) … uh, really?

Gifted (1 power)

Caleb has the power of empathy. It started as just emotions; he easily picked up on the situations around him, sensing discomfort, joy, fear, etc. Then Angie's power manifested, and Caleb realized he had the same thing. By being near a person with an ability, he gains their ability. It took him a while to master using powers at will. Before then, he often had headaches and such.

Angie is a regen. She can heal tissue damage in her body, automatically. This makes it so she can't die, unless something is stuck in the part of her brain that controls the ability.

Caleb Alfin Nix

This man reminds you of a playful dolphin. He has brown-red eyes that are like two bronze coins. His fine, straight, neck-length hair is the color of charcoal, and is worn in a practical, messy style. He is very tall and has a boyish build. His skin is ruddy. He has thin eyebrows and wide feet. His wardrobe is attractive, with a lot of purple and black.

Angela Kera Nix

This woman is very like her twin. She has the same  eyes. Her hair is the same with a tinge of blue. She is about seven to twelve inches shorter than him and has an angular build. Her skin is slightly darker. She has thin eyebrows. Her wardrobe is cutesy with a lot of slate-blue, white, and dark gray.

Angela Kera Nix. She has butterfly wings and kitty cat ears. Her power is somewhat technical. She's a hacker. To be more specific, she can manipulate the binary system in computers, like a shadowkinetic would manipulate shadows. *hint* However, she never uses this power to cheat on her video games. ...Most of the time. She tends to be unresponsive, citing selective hearing. She was once diagnosed with autism, by the same doctor who diagnosed her brother years ago.

Caleb Alfin Nix. He has hawk wings and cat ears. His power is empathy. It can get annoying at times, and could be the reason he is more serious than his sister. A long time ago, his mother gave him a charm that helps keep the emotions at bay, allowing him to concentrate. Even so, he was once diagnosed with bi-polar disorder. Their father isn't a huge fan of this doctor. Unlike his sister, he is nearsighted.

In the faerie world, Alfin has chosen the life of a warrior. He avoids companionship, and has even pushed his sister away. He sacrificed friendship for his amazing skills at the sword and long staff. Although his elders and leaders see him as a great asset, he refuses to be promoted and stays an underling. Kera, on the other hand, is an extreme beauty, and many boys court her. She flirts and toys with them, but she misses her brother too much to get involved with anyone. She often tries to put their relationship together. Kera also excelled in her craft of storytelling. She tells stories to little faeries in school.

Feudal era. The Nix family is very powerful, and others are coming after them. Demons and other creatures run wild. Angela and Caleb grew up as soldiers, as that was the only way to survive. A similar story can be found in medieval fantasy, where the twins were born to a powerful (but occult) wizard. Their mother was a trickster and left them to their father, who raised them wonderfully, considering.

The twins live with their father. There are times when he leaves on business trips and the like, sometimes disappearing for days on end. Though Angela will never admit it, she is glad to have Caleb there to protect her.


Medifant: -“Alfin, grab the peppered titan's toenails, would you?”-
The request came from the boy's father, Nixzor. As he ran off to the store room, Kera returned with a bundle of dried weeds in her arms.
-“Here's the tongue of dog your asked for,” the girl sang out. Nixzor gave her a warm smile as he took the weeds from her. Kera laughed at the sight of all the leftovers on her shirt.
-“This is almost -c-

done,” Nixzor told his daughter. “You should wash up for dinner.”-
-“Okay,” Kera replied. She left the cottage as Alfin returned, a glass jar in his hand.
-“Is this enough?” he asked, placing the jar on the table.
-“It's more than enough,” Nixzor answered with a smile. “Now get cleaned up with your sister.”-
Alfin smiled and dashed after Kera.

Alfin tugged at his fishing line as the memory -c-

faded. It had been many years since that day. They were baking a special gift for a friend's birthday. Alfin's father didn't do things like that anymore. Not since their mother came. Alfin touched the stone she had given him. It was because of this stone he was sane, at least most of the time.
-“Alfin!” came Kera's voice. She neared him on the bank, something in her hand. “Check it out. I -c-

caught a lizard.” She brushed away the shadows to reveal her find. Before Alfin could reply, he heard something in the bushes behind them. -d-

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