"The True History of the Battle of Mordred"

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The True History of the Battle of Mordred

Movie One {English}

Arthur: Today we fight to protect our land, our families, and all things good in this world.

Arthur Documentary: I thought for sure Mordred hated me. It's obvious he wanted my throne at least.

Mordred: The squabbles with my father, the king, have pulled too many into its throns. This fight need not be a terrible one. Simply allow me to speak with my father and we can end this.

Mordred Documentary: Ah my fahter. He thinks everyone is out to get him. Including me, his loyal son.

Arthur: We will not let Mordred still our prosperity!

Arthur Doc: Probably would have let him have it... if he wasn't such a rotten brat.

Mordred Doc: But nevertheless, the battle began.

Arthur: Seize the day!

Mordred: Seize the fish!

Dumbledore Doc: No one understood anything then. It's just all of a sudden, we were standing in the middle of a battleground!

Mordred Doc: Maybe it was Fate intervening.

Arthur Doc: They were just... there! Poof! People. And not all of them human, I might add.

Historian Doc: Yes, it is true. In the midst of the legendary battle between King Arthur and Mordred, a whole group of unidentifiable people suddenly appeared between the two forces. As you can see, legend isn't always fact.

Mordred: Uhhh... er... What'sa... um....

Arthur: ?????

Achmed the Dead Terrorist: *gulp* I kill you not!

Achmed Doc: Seriously, I had no idea what was happening. Jeff wasn't even there! Wait, maybe it was your fault! Ah, yes, that must be it! I kill y— [camera goes fuzzy]

R2-D2 Doc: Why are you interviewing me? No ne can understand me unless they're another droid. Hahaha, I guess this means I can say whatever the heck I want. Let's see... Well, I caught Leah cheating—

Dobby Doc: I got a sock! I got a sock! I got a sock! I got a sock! I got a sock! (Etc.)

Harry Doc: I'm sure Tom had something to do with it. He's always trying to get the best of me. I swear, that guy is a pedophi—

Voldemort Doc: He said that? Of course it had nothing to do with me. I swear it! I was just at the spa with Bella. We had a grand ol' time. Shame we suddenly apparated against our will! Bell and I were getting along so well...

[The three groups are in confusion. Cricket noises are in the background. There is utter but silent confusion. Then the battle resumes.]

[After the Battle]

Mordred: Father, allow me to explain—

Arthur: No, no, I apologize. My soldiers were blinded. Let us shed these hatreds and work together to protect “Rome.” The outlanders shall not catch us off guard again!

Mordred: Here here! Thank you for your forgiveness, father! I will do you proud!

Arthur: I believe you, son. My Prince Mordred!

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