"Kirmanaii the Amarik" | Neopets

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Kirmanaii, an amarik. Amariks are not currently an actual Neopet. They are my creation and I want them to be a Neopet. Unfortunately, they probably won't take her, so I believe this will be the topic for my NeoAdventure... maybe.


Get the packrat avatar

Gain more neopoints than Adam

Get a monopoly on an item then jack up the price

Get Amariks to be a real pet

Reveal myself as more formidable than Dr. Sloth AND Lord Kass.

Get an account with four Draiks and/or Krawks.

Create my own plot w/prizes (Amariks)

1st clue is an anchor link on my lookie to one of my pet pages. The page explains what's going on and sets up the first task. The clue will be hidden among my story. The clue will be used throughout the plot.

1st task is to nm the account set up especially for the plot. The nm should contain: How they found out about my plot, if they're willing to have their username publicly viewable (on another petpage is a list of the players and their ahievments), the secret code saying they read the rules, and any feedback of my plot, plan, etc.

2nd clue is in my shop. The story has been updated (ch. 1 is moved to a petpage) and it somehow directs people to my shop. The shop takes them to another petpage OR another anchor on the same page.

2nd task complete the adventure and send the code at the end to the same account.

One task will be a trivia quest.

June 19, 2007

copy from 2½ years ago

Amariks were first discovered on the tiny island of Ramik. They like to live in caves and their sharp claws help them dig into the earth. They like to eat special crystals called Kamiri that form on their island, which are almost sugar, but much better. Amariks' caves are often close to bodies of fresh water. The crystals grow the best near waterfalls, making the water taste sweet. Amariks are often found splashing in the water and gulping it up like chocolate. Most of Amariks' glass, food, and weapons are made of Kamiri. Kamiri is alive when growing, alive as in trees, but dies when it is picked, becoming as hard and sharp as diamond. This makes Amariks very resistant to many things, and gives them great attack and defence. Amariks can climb trees, but don't stay up very much; they are afraid of heights.

(If anyone eats this “fruit,” as the Amariks call it, they shall be healed to the full. By eating it long term, they can build up their defence.)

One of the biggest careers Amariks follow is shipping and pirating, hobbies included artists, writers, and photographers. One of the most famous Amariks pursued all five of these. Her name was Kirmanaii. She started out as an appearance to a shipper, who had the hobby of art. Kirmanaii would watch him sketch for hours, but he never taught her how. As she grew older she picked it up herself, along with reading. Eventually she decided to add stories to her pictures, which were growing steadilly better. Every now and then her master would see one. He always said, “You're improving.” Nothing more, nothing less.

As Kirmanaii left aprenticeship, she ventured one step past shipping: pirating. She started small, working her way up the ladder. As she was nearing the age of becoming a master, she assembled her own crea, and instead became the captain of the Star Plank. She claimed the ocean around Ramik, venturing out more all the time. In one trade, she acquired a camera and began journalling her journey, sometimes with her own drawings.

After a time she came across her old master. They sat together in a nearby pub and talked about the years they missed each other. Her master was now a pirate also, Captain Gurloc of the ship Manaii, named after Kirmanaii herself. They compained artwork. Here Gurloc became sour. She had bypassed his works without any formal training. Then there were stories that went along with them. Gurloc desperately wanted to impress his old student, for having become lesser. He told her that he had gallently laid siege to the town Caparith. Kirmanaii became furious upon these words. He had stirred an old, old hate. Kirmanaii had fiercely fought on the defending side because that was the one place she could call “home” other than with her master and on her ship. She stormed out of the room, not caring that everyone was staring at her. She confided what happened to her best friend, Skyler, who was the first crew member to sign up with her that day long ago. He had fought along side Kirmanaii in the battle, and also felt mad.

But Kirmanaii had missed her master so much, it was hard to stay mad at him.

Before she could make up however, there was an attack on the next town over. This was Skyler's home town, so Kirmanaii and her crew quickly went to help. As the ship came into view, Kirmanaii saw the name Manaii.

“No! No, he can't do this! Nooo!” she screamed, and ran toward the ship. How could someone so good turn so evil? Skyler tore off right behind her. Several of her crew were already climbing on board as they had planned. Kirmanaii quickly followed them, Skyler close behind.

Once on deck, Skyler had a chance to ask her about what was going on. Kirmanaii simply answered that she needed to see Gurloc. This puzzled him more and he continued to follow her. The ship's layout seemed to be the same as the familiar ship Kirmanaii had grown up on. She quickly found the cabin where Gurloc was in. He was giving orders to an official looking Ruki when the two burst in.

“Master,” Kirmanaii said importantly, drawing her sword. “Master Captain Gurloc of Manaii, you sorely dissapoint me. How could you do such a thing to innocent people?”

Gurloc replied in drawing his own sword and saying, “I had a liking for power once I got a feel for it, and now I will stop anyone who will take that from me.” With a roar he rushed at Kirmanaii and she blocked his blow. She was used to his ways from the old days, but there seemed to be a new feel to them now. Gurloc's assistant came around the desk to help but instead engaged in battle with Skyler, who was waiting for his chance.

“Ah Kirmanaii, my little Manaii. What different lives we lead.” Gurloc whispered in her ear.

“Yeah, the good, and the evil,” she retorted, disgusted. “If I defeat you, will you leave this island forever? Never to return?”

“Maybe, but like you said: I'm evil. Who knows if you can trust me?”

There was a shout from Skyler. His enemy had broken his leg and now the Ruki was advancing on Kirmanaii and Gurloc. Kirmanaii kicked Gurloc's feet from under him, and attacked the Ruki. He fell easily, and she finished Gurloc off, with a few last remakrs.

Once that was accomplished, she rushed to help her friend.

“Forget about me, go tell the others we've won.” He smiled weakly.


“Just go, I'll last that long, don't worry.”

Afterwards there was a celebration. Those who surrendered after Gurloc's fall were allowed to join the festivities. Apparently, Gurloc caused major problems all over the island. Skyler's wounds were tended to, and he would be walking within a month. Everyone was happy.

Later, a ship was sent to an island, which was sighted only minutes before. It was Mystery Island. And who do you think was the captain of that ship? Find out in the next one!

The End!

Kirmanaii Outline (Biography)

born in Caprith

live in Caprith until age

Becomes apprentice to Gurloc

learns how to draw

Show relationship

Leaves Gurloc

Begins work with Skyler

Show her and Skyler grow close

Buy ship/ assemble crew

Myster of Ramik

Ch. 1 Welcome to Kirmanaii's Mind

Ch. 2 Faerieland Fiasco

Ch. 3

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