"Damon" | Percy Jackson and the Olympians

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Damon pulled his satchel over his shoulder, ready to get moving on his mission. The bag was one of Athena's, the kind that could hold anything and everything. The black, leather-like material matched the jacket he was wearing. A light-blue cotton shirt hung loosely underneath, and dark jeans were fitted to his muscular legs. He checked his mirror one last time to make sure his tostled black hair would look good despite any high winds in the near future. With Aphrodite as your mother, such a challenge was easy to overcome.

The man of seventeen years stepped out of his appartment into the bright streets of Olympus. He ignored the luscious green bushes with their brightly-colored flowers, as well as the golden cobble-stone path he took. His destination was the edge of the city, and he really didn't care for sightseeing through his own neighborhood. The adventure ahead of him promised to be much more exciting.

After a few long minutes, Damon found his father already standing by his brand new invention. It wasn't exactly innovative, persay. Flying vessles were common even in the mortal world these days. The uniqueness mostly stemmed from the fact that it was Damon's and no one elses. It had a sleek design and virtually silent fuel system. Cloaking was standard, but Damon didn't want to use it unless nessecary. Right now it was a one-seater, but that could be adjusted in a few seconds if a hot girl came around. The part was the Topless Weather System; when the top was down, a bubble of sorts would keep it in perfect setting. Damon never intended to put the top up. An unlimited arsenal completed the smoothe, black vessel.

Haphestus looked up from his “tire-kicking” routine at the sound of Damon's steps. When he recognized the inventor, his haphazard face cracked into a smile.

“Nice work you've done here, son,” he said.

Damon came to a stop next to him and they both looked at the ship.

“Thanks, Dad,” he said with a smile. “That means a lot coming from you. Mom even complimented the sexy design.”

Haphestus chuckled. “Did she, now? Lucky you.”

“Yeah. Did you check out the specs?”

“Of course. It'll be a nice ride. You ready to launch?”

Damon sighed. “Yeah, but I haven't come up with a name yet.”

Haphestus shook his head. “You always had trouble with the names. You gotta have something to call it. Did you have something in mind when you were working on it?”

“Just 'the ship.' Well, unless you count 'Sexy Beast.'”

He raised an eyebrow. “Taken.”

“Figures. I wouldn't officially call it that anyway. Um... I did have something in the back of my head, but it's kind of lame.”

“What? Say it.”

“Okay. Uh, I was thinking... 'Black Rabbit.'”

“That's not too lame. I think it fits.”

Damon gave him an 'I don't believe you' look.

“I'm serious. It's small and agile, like a rabbit. Don't go telling me rabbits are sissy animals. I think that's what you should name it.”

Damon nodded. “Okay. I'll do it. Where's the bottle?”

“Oh, sorry.” Haphestus pulled out an uncorked bottle and gave it to his son. Damon took it, named the Black Rabbit, and broke the bottle on the ship, just as tradition dictated. Then Damon hopped into his new sweet ride and it thrummed to life, a soft, comforting hum. He turned to his father and waved.

“See you later,” he said.

Haphestus waved back. “Good luck!”

Damon took off before the sentiment was finished.


Damon spent the first few hours joyriding around Olympus amid ships ranging from the standard chariots to beauties similar to Black Rabbit. He docked his Apollopod and jammed to some tunes, the Olympian version of a mortal invention, named after Mr. Music himself. Three Days Grace blasted hears as he soared to unmeasurable heights. He then got together with some of the others for target practice. No one was actually allowed to hit another person's vessel. Even though there were only a few other customs, everyone knew you were NOT supposed to mess with someone else's ride.

Eventually Damon turned from the fun to take care of his job. The prospect wasn't something he totally looked forward to, but he always looked at the perks instead of the cons. For one, there would be girls. For two, there was a good chance many of them would be steaming. He licked his lips at the thought.

“Camp Half-Blood, here I come.”


Damon rocked forward from a huge force. He was hit again before he could regain control. His mind scrambled to figure out what happened while thinking about how to fix it. Smoke streamed from the back of his craft.

“Not cool!” Damon shouted. Black Rabbit's nose took a dive toward a thick forest below. He saw no sign of his assailants and wondered how anyone could shoot him down with such accuracy below that canopy.

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