10/05: Cellophane by ccurrents

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TITLE: Cellophane

AUTHOR: ccurrents


SUMMARY: "can't hide the pain, when you're wrapped in cellophane."

A story in which a girl feels so alone and so invisible that she's hoping one day - someday, somebody will have the courage enough to unwrap the cellophane that's wrapped around her body and make her feel alive.

A story in which a girl hopes that with all this craziness around her, ever since she moved to this unusual town. She hopes she finds someone who can understand her.

REVIEW FROM volbeats: Let me just say, even though I'm only eight chapters into this, I love it so much! Jaelynn, the oc, is, in my opinion, such a realistic character. She's the new girl in a new town, she has no friends, she knows no one, but she somehow learns to persevere and make it through her day, until, of course, she meets Liam.

I won't give away too much, but the author manages to fit Jaelynn into season four with a story line that I have yet to see! When I learned about Jaelynn, my first thought was 'okay, I haven't seen this too much', but the more it developed and the more her story line moved along, the more I inevitably fell in love with her character.

There's not much else I can say without giving away the entire plot, but I highly encourage all of you to read this fanfic. I've never seen anything like it! The author did a fantastic job creating such a rounded character.


"You write so beautifully I can't believe I just discovered this" -darkxtsvne

"This sounds really good! I can't wait to read more!" -JustSav

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