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Dear, You.

My dad says he is taking me to therapy now. He thinks that I am dysfunctional since everything and that he is concerned about my mental health.

I don't want to go, I know that some places for therapy are really good and that they help. But here's the thing, I don't need help.

I don't want it either since I have been getting slightly better. I'm not sitting in my room brooding all the time.

I read, and I write about my life to you. My dad doesn't know I write, though. He only sees me reading books that came from my traiter mum's bookshelf.

She may be awful, but she has a good collection of books and that is the only cool thing about her. To be perfectly honest here.

But anyways, I just wanted to say that this past week of school has been pretty dull since you've been away.

You miss alot of school, and I think that's going to affect your marks sooner than later, I'm just saying.

If you need help, you could ask me.. but you have tons of smart friends to help.


From, Me.

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