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Dear, You.

It's been a long while since I've written a letter to you. December is kind of a crazy month because there is Christmas planning that has to be done, like Black Friday, and then at the end there is New Years, which is also another insane thing too.

But I guess I could give you the laydown of it. It may take a while to go through cause this is an important month as a lot of things happened to me.

But here we go I guess.

So after my last letter that I wrote about how it being the start of December, Ash contacted me again. But the nice thing about it is that he sent me an email about his life.

It was an update email and its kind of like what I do here, writing about my life to you and asking questions at the end or something.

Which is pretty cool of him.

He told me that his mum constantly calls him to make sure that he is okay and wonders if moving all the way back to this crap town was a mistake. She worries about Ash a lot cause she's always taken care of him after his dad ran off with some stripper after he turned 3.

Even after he graduated about 2 years ago, she still takes care of him. Which I think is a really awesome kind of motherly thing, Ash is lucky, cause mother figures are usually better than father figures.

My dad thinks that I am insane because I still haven't spoken and my mum is a liar and a cheater. It's that kind of stuff that can mess a person up sometimes.

After Ash emailed me,we kept sending emails back and forth for the rest of that week, I even sent a few to him during class time.

But in the middle of the week, my dad took me back to that therapist's office and said that he'd be back in an hour. I was supposed to stay there for an hour and "talk" to that lady. She had me write in a whiteboard.

I drew pictures the whole time of dinosaurs, which only made her a little upset and end 10 minutes early.

She spoke with my dad afterwards and probably complained to him about my lack of effort. I'm not sure but she's annoying because its all about patient confidentiality and she's not following that protocal.

Its annoying but I guess I'll deal.

Anyways, after that week there was Black Friday. I woke up early that day because everything was cheaper and that's pretty great. I wanted to get Ash something that I could mail to his apartment for him to open on Christmas morning and I found something for my dad too.

It was all so insane, people were fighting and there were a lot of people working security. I don't speak so I couldn't say excuse me or anything. So many people were buying so many things, like filling shopping carts with blenders because they were so cheap.

But I went in and found what I wanted for Ash, but I had to look around a lot for my dad cause I don't really know what he likes.

We just kind of tolerate each other and he sends me to therapy. It's...weird.

Another thing that happened was my family's Christmas get-together. I refused to go to the get-together on my mum's side, so I was forced to go to the one on my dad's side. It was something, that's for sure. My whole family always thought that I was just shy around them, but after them getting frustrated with me not responding to the questions they were asking, my dad finally realized that he should tell them that I'm a mute.

Better to not embarrass myself any further, they all thought I was just being rude. 

I was given a couple cheques of money, which is pretty great. It kind of sucks cause they all said that they didn't know what I liked so they couldn't get me any gifts of the sort. 

My other cousins from my dad's side all got something that was meaningful from my grandparents, and I got nothing but a cheque of money. I know it sounds like I am being spoiled or anything, but what they got were not something you could buy as they were family heirlooms. 

And they didn't even give one to me.

They didn't even think to choose a family heirloom for me, one of their grandchildren. 

Now, I know that my family and I don't contact each other that much, I haven't really been to my grandparents place in a long time. So you could say that I was uncomfortable there. Not even being able to ask where the bathroom was or something because I don't speak. 

My tactic was to wander around until I found a room that held a bathroom, it worked I guess.

I had been happy when that whole ordeal had ended and I was able to go home where I don't feel like a complete stranger who has to wander around to find the bathroom of all things.

Christmas morning was a little bit of a sad drag. 

I woke up at noon to find that my dad had gone to work, so he told me on the note he wrote that he already opened my gift and was thankful for it. Then he said that I could open mine if I wanted to, he didn't really care if I did or not. 

So I did, and I found another dumb cheque with some money in it.

He didn't know what to get me, so that's all he did. He wrote me a cheque for 100 dollars and decided that's my gift.

It was all kind of sad. Our Christmas tree only had two presents under it, taking away the not-so-festive mood of the Holiday season. 

Boxing day was boring. I went out and cashed in all my cheques at the bank and then went back home where I cuddled under the blankets in my room and watched Netflix all by myself.

New Years was a little bit interesting. 

Ash showed up at my house, all decked out in festive New Years clothing and then he forced me to get dressed in something similar. He was taking me to a party that is at a College that is kind of out of our town. 

I couldn't complain, cause without him stopping by, I would have spent New Years all by myself. Watching the ball drop in New York from my tv in my room, saying 'woo' in my head and then probably going to sleep.

We went to the party and I drank, I drank a lot and threw up in someone's potted plant. By morning, I had to look for Ash and then make him take me home. I had a massive hangover from the night before and I just wanted to go home and watch Netflix and take some Aspirin to make the throbbing in my head go away.

He took me home and then left himself, back to his town where he goes to University.

Then my day became a boring cycle where I watched my shows on Netflix and took more Aspirin every 4 hours to dull down the pain. 

And that's basically how it all went. 

My whole Holiday break is over and now school is starting up tomorrow. I can't say that I'm happy about it, but maybe, just maybe, you'll be there and I will get to finally see you again. 

Hopefully after being away from school for a full month and then the break included in that, you should be better and well on your way to being with the popular kids while I think about you from a far away distance.

That sounded really creepy, but I'm trying very hard to not be creepy.

Anyways, I hope you are at school tomorrow.

From, Me.

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