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Dear, You.

You have been sick these last few months.

I miss seeing you around, even though I basically use you as a way to talk about my problems indirectly. It's weird but at the same time, it's kind of helpful.

Anyway,  the day that mom came over to talk to me, I had quickly moved around the boxes to an area of the house that dad never goes to. If he knew I was leaving, I bet he would try to do something to stop me. If he tried to stop me, that's another problem I have to deal with.

I don't want him to miss me.

There is nothing to miss anyway, him and I have never clicked. Never really gotten along at all so he has no reason to want me to stay. I'll miss this town a bit.

But, I know that I'll have a better time where I'm going to end up. Far away from here so nobody can come visit or try to find me.

You have been a good distraction.

Thank you for all the memories, I know admiring you from afar has been kind of creepy. You don't have to tell me, we've never spoken anyway. But what I mean, is that I know its an odd thing to do.

Like, I started writing to the new guy who caught my eye and never actually sent these notes to him, to you.

All the notes are placed in a wooden box that's packed inside a cardboard box, cause I'm taking them with me. I never initially planned on sending them to you anyway, you were just an opportunity to help myself.

And since I've gotten better, I shouldn't need to write to you anymore.

Cheers, I hope you're doing ok. I'm going to miss writing to someone who's never going to see this stuff. I'm going to miss having a distraction and something to look forward to every once in a while.

I think this is my last letter to you. My final goodbye.

So, goodbye, you.

From, Hayden aka Me.

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