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Dear, You.

Ash called me the other day.

It was really weird.

Wait.. he didn't call me like on a phone. It was a skype call and it was weird. He didn't know what to say.

All of a sudden he was like: "I'm sorry man." Then he ended the call with a guilty look on his face.

I messaged him after and told him that its okay. He forgot, clearly.

But I'm okay cause it was a simple mistake.

I've pretty much started hating weekends now, though.

I don't really know what to do with myself anymore. I used to look forward to the weekends cause I'd be able to just hang around and do nothing, and I used to love to do that.

But now, I don't really cause I don't feel like I have a purpose anymore.

Not that I thought I had one to begin with. But you probably know what I mean.

Or you don't. Thats cool too.

From, Me.

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