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Dear, You.

A few months have passed. I had thought that the 50th letter I had written would be the last one I would address to you. But here's one more.

I'm back in my hometown, Ash came back with me. And no, I didn't come back for my family. Despite the fact that they've tried so hard to get in touch with me. I haven't missed them enough to want to get back to any of them.

I came back for you.

For your funeral.

I had received a letter in the mail from your family. Everyone who you went to school with got one, even if you weren't at school for very long.

You had a very ferocious battle with cancer, my friend. But apparently the cancer won considering I'm writing this to you the day of your funeral, I'm about to leave for the service.

I don't really know what to expect there, everyone at school thought I was the crazy mute and never really knew much about me.

I talk now, found my voice thanks to Ash.

He's my boyfriend now, y'know, and he's really great. I really missed him when he graduated, but now we have an apartment together and a very spoiled cat.

I told you that I like dogs, but I've decided to compromise with Ash since he's a cat person. Love does that to you.

Life is finally treating me right, I just needed to find myself before it got better.

Anyway, I really should go, Ash doesn't like to be late for anything.

See you soon.

From, Hayden.

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