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Dear, You.

I am really happy at the moment.

And it's because my one friend that graduated is coming to town today.

He messaged me early this morning, telling me that him and his mum are on their way now. Well, from a hotel or something as his mum and him lived quite far away. So the drive is probably long and boring.

But I'm still excited.

I will be able to see one of my friends for the first time in 2 and 1/2 years. At least, I think that's it. I'm not to great on time to be perfectly honest here.

All I know is that maybe for one weekend, I won't be so alone.

Anyways, how has your weekend been going?

Are you in a hospital? (The thought of that makes me worry alot, so don't be in a hospital).

Are you partying? (It seems a little more logical for this one considering who your friends are).

Or are you sitting at home doing something because neither one of the other two options are possible for some reason?

I hope you are at least having a fun weekend or something.

From, Me.

P.s I am really happy that I ended this letter on a positive note.

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