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Dear, You.

Graduation keeps getting closer.

It means that I am getting closer and closer to finally moving away from this life that I have been stuck in since I was born. I am excited.

It'll be like starting a new life away from everything that I've ever known and becoming someone worth getting to know.

Ash has told me that my room is ready and he is excited to finally get to see me all the time. Since he graduated almost two years ago, it's been kind of hard to make actual friends and stuff which seems depressing, yes, but it's fine.

My mom tried calling the house again and again the other day, she wanted to speak to me.

I'm letting her come over today since dad's at work and she can finish picking up all of her crap so she can keep it at her new boyfriends house. I didn't really speak with her but I did text her after hearing her speak on the answering machine. I guess I'll hear her out and see how that goes.

She will see all of my packed boxes in a pyramid-shape in the living room and will question me about it for sure but I really don't care what she thinks. She is just the woman who gave birth to me 18 years ago and then a few months ago, abandoned the whole family. 


My dad.

Everyone and everything.

I plan to just talk to her a little bit or something, maybe just hear her out or whatever. I don't really care about that I just want her to finish being part of my life and hopefully she will have better luck with a new family. She can become a better mom instead of being a shitty one like she was when she still lived here. When she was still part of this family.

That would be great. She can finally move on and I can finally move on and have a restart at a different life.

I have some things to do but I guess you'll know how it goes with my mom tomorrow.

From, Me.

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