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Dear, You.

Happy Thanksgiving.

I wish it were happy for me and I really hope that its a good day for you.

My mum came to my house demanding to know why my dad hasn't been responding to her phone calls. Saying that if he really wants a divorce, then he should send the papers rather than ignoring her and everything.

And also saying that she wants custody of me.

I think she's forgotten that I am already 18, and that I am a legal adult.

They got into a huge argument and I sat on the stairs, listening in. My dad kept repeating that she cheated, more than once and she needs to get out of the house before he does something he will regret.

I didn't really stick around to find out.

So now I'm in a park at least a good half hour or so away. Give or take a few minutes or so.

I didn't even get to eat any Turkey or any of those Thanksgiving foods. Or spend time with family.

So yeah, this Thanksgiving was awful.

But if yours was good, that would make up for this crappy one I had.

From, Me.

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