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Dear, You.

So when the weekend had ended, I was kind of excited to go to school.

I wanted to get out of my house and thought that I might see you.

But you weren't there.

Are you okay?

I mean, I don't know if you are still in the hospital or not. Cause of the whole coughing up blood in the bathroom thing.

Yeah, that.

Anyways, I am having a good-ish day for once because they changed up the food they serve in the cafeteria.

And also because I finally messaged one of my friends back.

The one I was closer to before they all graduated.

He was pretty happy that I finally decided to respond and said that he was coming into town next week because his mum is moving back here.

He's helping her move into her house.

And so he told me to stop by and say hi. I didn't tell him that I don't speak. It didn't seem necessary at the time.

But he'll figure it out.

I'll write to you again later.

From, Me.

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