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Just some fluffs and Sirius being an actual dork... No triggers here!

(P.S. Not my arts! ^ )


The fire crackled invitingly in the grate, enveloping the whole Gryffindor common room is a sleepy warm. The whole space was bathed in a dusky orange glow, which cast shadows and peaceful dark corners that we're far from frightening. Remus was curled in his favourite armchair by the fire, complete with Muggle book and oversized jumper, the flickering flames highlighting his features with deep shadows and a warm glow. 

Sirius padded barefoot down the stairs, stretching, he then spotted Moony and make a bee line ( albeit a sleepy one) straight for him. He slipped behind him and wound his arms gently around Remus' neck.

"Hey, Pads," whispered Remus as he kissed the back of Sirius' hand, never taking his eyes off of the pages of his novel.

Sirius leaned his dark head against Moony's fair one, "It's late, Moons. Come to bed..."

"I will, Pads." He murmured softly, "Just let me finish my chapter."

Sirius sighed, disentangling himself from around Remus' neck,  and sat himself down on the arm of the chair, resigning himself to waiting. Resting his head on Remus' slim shoulder he asked softly, "What're you reading?"

"Hardy, Padfoot. The Mayor of Castorbridge."

"You and your Muggle literature, Moony." He murmured as he watched the fire flicker in the grate, feeling his head rise and fall slightly with Remus' breathing. He nuzzled into the warm fabric of Moony's jumper, breathing in his familiar scent of old books, chocolate and wolf...

"Moooony...?" Padfoot whispered.

"What, Pads?" Remus chuckled slightly.

"Are you done yet?"

"Be patient, Sirius. Almost..."

Sirius huffed in vague annoyance and waited a little longer, but soon got bored. A fantastic idea then popped into his head and a second later he was not Sirius, but Padfoot, the huge black dog that was his animagus form, resting his head on Remus' lap.

Remus just snorted and leaned down to fondle his ears and kiss him on the nose. Dammit. It didn't work.

There was a soft, but audible, popping noise and Sirius was himself again, looking rather undignified. He was still in the same position he'd been in as a dog, sprawled across the ground at Moony's feet with his chin and hands on his lap. He blew some dark hair out of his eyes and muttered,


Remus finally snapped his book shut and looked at him, his almond eyes like liquid amber in the fire light. He smiled, the movement twisting a scar on his face, and said,

"Oh, alright then. Come on Pads."

Sirius punched his fist in the air and stood up with Remus, but Padfoot did something that surprised Moony and picked him up, bridal style, making him squeak. Sirius chuckled and kissed him on the nose, then padded back up the stairs to their dormitory.

He gently deposited Moony on his bed and climbed in beside him, wrapping his arm around his shoulders, pulling Remus close. 

They were about to fall asleep, wrapped in each other's warmth, but Remus' eyes suddenly sprang open and he whispered urgently to the very sleepy Sirius opposite him,

"Sirius! Peter and James don't know that we're together!" gesticulating wildly towards the two sleeping bodies in the beds on their right.

Sirius opened lazy brown eye and whispered rakishly, "Well. They'll bloody well find out in the morning won't they?" 

Remus smiled lovingly and leaned into Sirius to kiss him. Sirius cottoned on fast and gently fastened his lips to the werewolf's, his long eyelashes brushing Remus' pale cheeks. 

"I love you, Pads."

"I love you too, Moony."

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