Love Me Like You Do

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Whew. This one's gonna get a little bit spicier on popular request! No smut, but some rather steamier *moments*. ;) (BTW- In this particular oneshot, Sirius is taller, he's smaller in all my others.)



"Why hello, Mr Moony."

Sirius' tone was rich and deep, he took Remus' hand and bowed to kiss it, never breaking eye contact. His lips were soft and cool against Remus' pale skin. Remus smiled.

"And you, Mr Padfoot. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Sirius straightened up and smiled, smoothing out his suit.

"It's the last dance of the evening, Mr Moony, I was wondering if you'd do me the honour of joining me?"

He held out his hand once more, a twinkle in his chocolate brown eyes.

"I would love to, Mr Padfoot, I simply can't refuse."

Remus took his hand.

"Shall we?" Sirius winked.

Remus inclined his head. He soon found Sirius' slender hands on his waist as he was guided over to the floor. The band started up as more young couples rose from their tables and filled the space.

It was a slow, beautiful song and Remus rested his head on Sirius' shoulder as they skimmed across the floor. Sometimes, it was easy to forget that Sirius came from a noble family, and was classically trained in many things, but not at this moment. He was in his element, hand on the small of Remus' back, leading him, guiding him.

"I love you..." A dreamy whisper in Sirius' ear.

Remus drew his head back from Sirius' shoulder, slightly and the taller of the two admired the way the floating candles bathed his partner's face in light and shadow, making his amber eyes shimmer, and his soft curls shine. Sirius pressed their foreheads together, and they danced like this for the rest of the song.

When the music died down, the Yule Ball was over and the students began dreamily drifting back to common rooms and dormitories. 

Remus and Sirius sat, arms around each other, in the almost deserted common room, the fire crackled low in the grate. They had discarded their suit jackets and reclined in shirt-tails and ties, shirt sleeves rolled up and top buttons undone.

Finally, Remus disentangled himself from Sirius and stood up, offering his hand.

"To bed?"

Sirius accepted his hand.

"To bed."

They walked hand in hand to the spiral staircase, but we're stopped at the bottom of it by some enchanted mistletoe. Normally, they would have been a little flustered, but now, with no-one around and such a calm atmosphere they had no problem. They laughed softly at the mistletoe's insistence.

Sirius took Remus' jaw in his hands and leaned down. But Remus caught hold of his tie and pulled him down before he had time to react.


Sirius was surprised at Remus' urgency, but he definitely wasn't complaining. He kissed back, deepening it. Dazed, Remus' fumbling hands found the buttons of Sirius' shirt. Reluctantly, Sirius pulled back,

"Not here, Rem, let's take it upstairs..."

Remus nodded and half dragged Sirius up the stone stairs.

They burst into the dorm. Unsurprisingly, there was no James, but Pete wasn't there either - lucky break.

They still made sure to draw the partition and cast a quick muffliato, but they couldn't keep their hands off of each other for much longer. 

They collapsed onto the bed, Remus immediately finding his way back to Sirius' shirt buttons in the dark. Before too long, both shirts were removed and forgotten about. Sirius fastened his lips onto Remus' sweet spot, just behind his ear and jaw, and the reaction was amazing. Remus' breath came short and fast and he wound his hands into Sirius' hair. A pair of hands found trouser fastenings and quickly undid them.

A loud moan and panting breaths.


Hands roamed over chests and over backs, feet and legs tangled together tightly, hands in hair.

Lips travelling down, jaws, necks and chests.

This was love like they'd never felt before.


The curtains were thrown open and morning light spilled into the four poster, illuminating two boys, tangled together under the quilt, sleeping.

"Merlin's beard, you two! Get some clothes on!"

Sirius sleepily opened an eye, Remus just threw his hand over his eyes to block out the sunlight.

"And where were you, Mr Prongs, last night?"

James went red.

"You bloody well know where I was last night."

"He's right you know," remarked Remus without opening his eyes, "We could hear you through the ceiling."

Sirius snickered as James blushed an even more impressive shade of crimson.

"You're ones to talk," muttered James, "We could hear you through the muffliato..."

Sirius just winked and draped himself further over Remus' chest, 

"Well, Mr Moony here, is very vocal."

He kissed Remus and as though to illustrate Sirius' point, Remus moaned.

At that point, James dropped the curtain and quickly strode away shouting,

"Don't look now Pete! They're doing it again!"

Sirius planted another kiss on Remus' chest and smiled wickedly.

"Ahh. That's why I love you Pads."

Sirius fake-pouted.

"Is that the only reason?"

Remus laughed.

"There are many reasons."

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