Don't Ignore Me

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Fluff. FluFF. Fff-LLUUUUFFF. And Lily being protective AF.


Stupid perfect Remus.

Stupid perfect Remus and his stupid perfect face.

Stupid perfect Remus and his stupid perfect hair.

Stupid perfect Remus and his stupid perfect voice.

Stupid perfect Remus and his stupid perfect PERFECT-ness.

He was driving Sirius mad. Absolutely insane. He literally couldn't stop thinking about him. Always there, always adorable. Too effing cute to be allowed.

Looking at Remus, Sirius felt a pang in his heart, yet he kept stealing glances all through lessons. Speaking to Remus made him go red and his heart fluttered. And every time he mentally scolded himself, stop it Sirius, you are not a twelve year old girl. Stop pining over him.

But he just couldn't.

Sirius started purposefully avoiding Remus, distracting himself with alcohol and detentions, but he didn't feel any better, just hollow and depressed. And hungover. Very hungover. He noticed a change in Remus too, in the brief glances of him that Sirius allowed himself, he looked smaller and paler. Not as happy as before.

And Sirius felt terrible. Even worse that he couldn't comfort Remus. Talk to him. If he did, his feelings would drive him insane. Then again. They already were.



Lily looked up from her parchment.

"Hey Remus, you okay?"

He sat down next to her. He didn't look very well, he had bags under his eyes and his mouth was downturned.

"Not really."

Abruptly, Lily discarded her quill onto the table and twisted herself round to face him.

"No sh*t Sherlock." Remus seemed to sag in her gaze and she sighed in concern, "What's wrong, Remus? Don't bother lying, I can see right through you."

He exhaled and said in a small voice, "Sirius is ignoring me, and I don't know what I did wrong. He's started drinking again and I'm worried for him."

Lily put a comforting hand on Remus' shoulder, bracelets jingling, "All this because of Sirius? You must really care for him, huh?"

Remus nodded sadly. He looked so downtrodden that she felt a rush of sympathy and pulled him into a hug. He rested his chin on her shoulder and she laid her head against his. He was basically felt like her little brother now, she felt obliged to care for him.

After a little while, Lily felt a pang of deep protectiveness for Remus and a steaming lump of annoyance at Sirius Black for making Remus like this.

She stood up, tossing her fiery hair. She marched up to the Marauders' dormitory and threw open the door. She stared inside and saw Sirius. He was sleeping on his front, his hair across his face. He looked wretched.

Lily strode across the room and without any warning, slapped Sirius upside the head.

He flailed in surprise and sat up, his face looking groggily indignant.

"What t' bloody hell, Evans?"

"Get up Sirius. You're a mess."

He rubbed his knuckles over his eyes.

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