The Flower Shop

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Ok y'all, I'm actually back, this'll probably be really short and shitty but, hey, I tried right? (Also this song is great - but maybe don't listen to it around people without headphones - just a heads up guys)


Sirius Black worked in the Lily of The Valley flower shop and he worked there almost everyday, ten til four. He cycled to and from work if the weather was decent, but if it was chucking it down, he would usually cop a ride from a local - he knew them all well enough and they all seemed to love him, so they got on fine.

It was a Tuesday and Sirius was arranging a bouquet at the counter, he was absorbed in his work, gently poking stems of foliage into green florists foam and breathing in the delicately scented air around him. Sirius began to hum to himself but was jerked out of his reverie by his boss, Lily, walking in and giving him a cheery hello.

It was a little narcissistic, Sirius had thought when he started working there, to name your shop after yourself, but he soon realised that Lily Evans was super down to earth and they made fast friends.

"Hey Lil," he greeted her, "need anything doing?"

She smiled at him and shook her head a little, coppery hair drifting in its low ponytail,

"Nah, the latest order's all sorted," she replied, wiping her hands off on her ratty denim overalls, "how's my wedding bouquet going, man?"

Sirius grinned and tucked a fly-away strand of hair behind his ear,

"I'm almost done," he said, "just need to put on the finishing touches."

Lily squealed and clapped her hands, engagement ring glinting dully in the light from the window next to Sirius' workspace.

"God, how has it all gone so fast," Lily mused out loud.

Sirius pretended to huff, "I don't know, but I'd better be Maid of Honour after all this trouble."

Lily snorted a little at his terrible acting,

"Of course, of course," she replied through laughter, "where would I be without my favourite gal pal?"

Sirius slipped out from behind his station to sling an arm around her shoulder with over exaggerated grandeur,

"You'd be ever so single," he drawled, hanging a little from her neck as she struggled to keep him upright while holding in hysterical laughter, "like MEEEEE!"

At this point Lily was laughing so much that she just about dropped Sirius, while they both recovered Lily jabbed him in the side with a single finger,

"It's my hen party tonight," she said with a wicked smile, "How abou-"

"Whatever you're planning, no."

Lily pouted,

"Come onnnn, Sirius, we can find you a man!"

Sirius sighed theatrically, he tried to look disapproving but didn't quite pull it off.

"You know you want to."

"I'm a strong independent man, who doesn't need - "

"You want to."


"Yes, you do."

"Ok, fine, yes, I want to."

"Knew it - we start tonight!"

"Dear God help me."


Do you want a much longer part two?


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