Mon Amour

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Hey, Guys! So, yeah, I'm headed off to Slovenia in a couple days, I won't be able to update for about a week, okay? In the meantime - enjoy some fluff! 


(HEADCANON: Remus learnt like a bajillion different languages for the heck of it and Sirius - coming from a fancy ass family - is, like, half French so he speaks that fluently as a first language.)

Translations will be beside the speech in brackets.

 I apologise in advance if I completely mangle your language because French is NOT my native language. 


Sirius sighed and looked up from the book he was trying and failing to read for Transfiguration.

He caught sight of Moony. Remus was wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets and sat on his bed - looking miserable.

Sirius closed his book. He wandered over and sat next to Moony, wrapping his arms around him.

"Es tu malade?"       (Are you sick?)

Remus sniffed and laid his head on Sirius' shoulder.

"Oui, très, très malade..."      (Yeah, very very sick.)

Sirius put his hand on Remus' forehead to check his temperature,

"Tu as de la fièvre!"     (You have a fever!)

Remus scrunched up his brow and leaned further into Sirius' side.

"Ugh, vraiment?"       (Ugh, really?)

"Vraiment. Vous êtes très malade ... Allez, allongez-vous s'il vous plaît, Moony."

(Really. You're very sick... Come on, lie down please, Moony.)

Remus gave a weak cough and did what Sirius said, there was no point in disobeying, so Remus lay down.

Sirius disappeared off for a minute and came back with a cool washcloth. He sat himself beside Remus and took his head onto his lap. Sirius gently sponged Remus' forehead murmuring to him in French,

"Je prendrai soin de toi..."    (I will take care of you...)

Remus gave him a small smile and fiddled with the hem of Sirius' shirt.

"Je t'aime, Sirius..."    (I love you, Sirius...)

Sirius smiled and placed the washcloth on the bedside table, he leaned down to kiss Remus on the forehead.

"Je sais. Mais, je t'aime plus."     (I know. But, I love you more.)

Sirius shifted his position, so that he was lying down opposite Remus. Their noses were almost touching.

"Vous êtes plus beau que le coucher du soleil, Remus." Whispered Sirius.

(You are more beautiful than the sunset, Remus.)

Remus held back a chuckle,

"Qui est belle, Sirius. Merci."     (That's lovely, Sirius. Thank you.)

Sirius grinned.

"Vous êtes!" He insisted.     (You are!)

"Oh, l'arrêter!"      (Oh, stop it!)

Sirius rubbed their noses togetherand pressed a kiss to Remus' smiling lips.

"Soyez prudent, vous tombez malade."     (Be careful, you'll get sick.)

"Je ne -" He was cut off.   (I don't -)

James had chosen that moment to speak up, "Can YOU understand them, Peter?"

The smaller boy shook his head, "Probably don't want to, Prongs. It's most likely extremely scarring."

Sirius stuck his head up, "Sod off, Wormtail! Moony over here happens to be sick!"

"Yeah, I know, I know," said James teasingly, "but, cor, French is a really girly language."

Sirius' head popped up again, "You wot mate? You calling my first language girly? I'll have you know, it's EXTREMELY masculine!"

Prongs elbowed Peter, "Isn't it funny how fast Padfoot goes from being all domestic and French-y to about to bash our faces in?"

"Yeah actually, it's rather impressive. Just watch how fast his face goes red."

Sirius fumed and looked down at Remus for support - be he was already suppressing laughter.

"Seriously, love?"

Remus grinned, 

"You must admit, it is quite a jarring change from Parisian to cockney."


Sorry if that was crap! I'm ill, it's midnight and Google Translate was acting up, but anyway, I hope you enjoyed! xxx


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