Meant To Be

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More AUs. Sorry. This time Sirius obsesses over a hot guy on a park bench. (Hint = It's Remus!)


Sirius was headed to his usual coffee shop, but today, he decided to detour through the local park. It was a cold day, the sky was pale, and his breath frosted the air. Sirius shivered and pulled his leather jacket tighter around him, his huge tartan scarf rucked up around his neck. He hadn't bothered to shave that day, so there was a small amount of stubble accumulating on his jaw. 

He trudged along the path, watching the people around about him. He wondered if their lives were as monotonous as his...

He walked a little longer, until he came to a worn park bench. The bench itself was unremarkable. But the person on the bench, that, was a completely different story.

Sirius made a very feminine squeak and proceeded to hide his face in his coffee cup as the man turned to look at him in surprise.

DAMN. He was HOT. (Too Hot! Hot Damn! Ha ha... Yeah... I'll stop now...)

The man was pale, his nose and cheeks were pink from the cold. A splash of pale freckles were scattered over his nose. Sirius awkwardly sat on the bench beside him. He clutched his coffee like a lifeline, staring determinedly at the middle-distance.

The guy gave him a sidelong look. Sirius could feel his face flush - those whiskey coloured eyes were too much...

Bench-boy stood up. He was tall, dammit. Sirius liked tall guys - being extremely short himself. Sirius was also a sucker for curly blonde hair and, f*ck it, this random stranger was ticking all of the boxes...

Bench-boy gave him one last look and walked off.

Sh*t. Sirius had messed up. He thumped himself on the head and shouted,


which startled some pigeons and earned him some weird looks from bystanders.


The next day, Sirius walked through the park again in the vain hope of seeing the Bench-boy. Sure enough, he was there.

This time, Sirius didn't hesitate to sit next to him. Not too close, mind.

He pulled out his phone and pretended to text.

Bench-Boy looked up for a second and gave a tiny smile. Oh, sh*t. He recognised him.

Sirius' heart fluttered dangerously and he blushed.

The Bench-boy put his headphones on, accidentally knocking his beanie off. He stood up, he didn't seem to notice his sudden lack of headwear. Sirius picked up the hat. He tried to call out to the guy, but his voice wasn't working.

As he watched the back of his retreating head, Sirius brought the hat to his chest and sighed. His breath seemed to freeze in the air.


For the next week, this routine continued. Sirius kept the hat in his breast pocket, each time he saw the Bench-boy he failed to speak and forgot to return it. Sirius was infatuated with a stranger. And he loved it.


Sh*t. He's there again. The Bench-boy. It had been two weeks of side-eyeing and awkward silences - but today, Sirius was going to return the hat.

Sirius took a deep breath and awkwardly sidled up to the bench.


Bench-boy didn't look up.

"Ahem. HEY."

Bench-boy blinked and removed an earphone. He looked up at Sirius.

"Um. Hi?"

Oh Lordy... His voice was like honey, and got Sirius a little hot under the collar. He blushed.

"You, er, dropped this a while back."

He held out the hat. The Bench-boy took it slowly.

"Thanks. I was looking for that."

"Ahem," said Sirius awkwardly and sat down on the bench, "So, uh, wouldyouliketogooutwithme?"

Bench-boy gave him a look of incomprehension.


Sirius blushed harder and loosened his scarf.

"Oh, uh, yeah... So... Erm. Would you like to, maybe, grab coffee or something?"

Bench-boy blinked a couple times.

Well, thought Sirius, you've gone and crapped up your chances now.

But he didn't expect what came next.

Sirius found his arm being grabbed.

"Finally! I thought you were never going to ask! You're the only reason I've been sat on this Godforsaken bench every morning for a fortnight!"

It was Sirius' time to blink.

"Really?" Sirius snorted, "You're the only reason I've been freezing my butt off in this park for the last fortnight!"

They both began to laugh, realising the irony of their situation. The frigid awkwardness between them all but melted away.

"So. You wanna grab that coffee?"



"Well," said Sirius, "that was great. Same time, same place tomorrow?"

He smiled.

"Yeah, it's a date."

Seeing that smile, Sirius couldn't help but lean in. When their lips met, everything seemed right. They lost themselves in the kiss for a few minutes.

When they broke apart he said,

"Wait, aren't you gonna ask me my name?"

Sirius blinked.

"Oh, sh*t."

There was a laugh.

"It's okay."

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