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I need some fluff right now, okay? (Also, I'm currently writing this during a storm... Britain is being completely battered right now... Blech. Typical.)


Remus lay awake, staring at the canopy above his bed. The thunder was keeping him awake. He didn't like thunder.

The rain beat relentlessly on the window panes, the thunder rolled and rumbled. The lightning cracked. Remus flinched. The lightning lit up the room for a moment. It illuminated the remaining three beds in the dormitory. Only one of them was occupied as it was the Christmas holidays and Pete and James had gone home.

Sirius, however, was still here. He'd been kicked out of his home, he didn't fit the Black Family mould, therefore, he was no longer a part of it. It was a sad situation, and even though Sirius now had a cavalier disregard for anything they had said or done, he was still slightly touchy on the subject.

But still, Remus was on edge and he was glad that Sirius was there. If he was alone, he would probably be sleeping in the common room - jumping at the slightest sound.

Even so, as the rain beat a tattoo on the window - in time to Remus' heart - and the sky grumbled he felt a rising feeling of unease.

The lightning cracked again, louder, and this time, Remus was not having it. He stood up, hugging his arms around his chest and, feeling very exposed, scuttled across the dormitory to the bed opposite him.

"Pads..? Pads?"


"Hmm? Wha?"

Sirius was softly shaken awake, at first, he was disorientated, the rain outside battered the castle and the thunder sounded like a killer hangover. He scrubbed his hand over his eyes, pushing his sleep-mussed hair out of his face. His vision began to clear and he saw a slight figure standing beside his bed. A slight figure wearing a jumper about three sizes too large.


He nodded.

"Are you okay?

He shook his head silently, wrapping his arms tightly around himself.

Sirius sat up and reached for one of his sweater-pawed hands. It was cold.

"Hey... What's wrong?"

"Storm-" He was cut off by another flash of lightning and flinched in surprise, "Don't like it."

Sirius tried to look him in the eyes, but Remus looked away, embarrassed.

"I know, it's stupid..."

"What? No, it's not stupid, Moony. And anyway, you're freezing, get in here," Sirius replyed softly. He shifted over slightly, leaving a space for Remus. Remus smiled gratefully, if not a little awkwardly, at Sirius and joined him.

Since space was tight, Remus curled into Sirius' warm body, enjoying the weight of his arm around his waist. Sirius smiled gently and pressed a tender kiss to the top of Remus' head. Suddenly, the thunder didn't seem so loud anymore, and even the pounding of the rain seemed to diminish.

"Thanks, Padfoot..." murmured Remus sheepishly.

"No problem, Moons, what are thunderstorms for, if not an excuse to cuddle my boyfriend?"

Remus tried to hide his furiously blushing face in Sirius' shirt but couldn't quite hide it from Sirius. He snickered slightly, "I love you too, Moony."

They curled up tighter together, Remus laying his head on Sirius' chest and an arm over his waist, Sirius encircling and protecting Moony's fragile frame with his arms. Remus' freezing body temperature started to heat up as he grew more comfortable. He still tensed and gripped Sirius' shirt every time there was a lightning flash but Sirius kept him calm with soft kisses and soft murmurs of comforting words.

Eventually, they both fell asleep, entangled in each other. Breathing soft against the battering wind.


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