Not Just The Help - 3

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Lil' bit of time skip, it's been about a week since ~*le kiss*~...


Sirius stretched his back a little and name a low noise in the back of his throat. With his eyes closed, he reached out a little, looking for his Remus, but he wasn't there. Lazily, Sirius opened an eye. 

He saw a crisp, folded over piece of paper lying in the place where Remus had slept. He grasped it in his hand and brought it towards him.

He smiled happily as he unfolded it and saw a pen and ink sketch of himself, peacefully asleep. Remus had a natural talent for sketching and he did it beautifully. Sirius felt the care and love he had put into every flowing penstroke, capturing the pure intimacy of the moment. The image almost seemed to breathe.

Three small, carefully crafted crafted 'x's caught his eye. Sirius smiled and closed his eyes. He brought the note to his chest, and in the sunlight, he could almost feel those careful kisses on his skin...

Grimmauld house felt like less of a prison with Remus there and more like a small inconvenience. It was... almost like a home. His family were still as up their own arses, as per usual, but he could brave their disapproval if Remus was there to stay with him afterwards.

Sirius was brought back from his blissful state by a sharp ring of the tiny bell above his bed. A maid was coming in. Quickly, Sirius placed the sketch under his bed.

A redheaded nurse hustled in. She threw a shirt at Sirius,

"Oi, pretty boy, get dressed."

Sirius removed the shirt from his head and stuck his tongue out,

"Nice to see you too, Lily."

Lily grinned at him and began to fuss over the bedsheets that lay tangled around him. Lily was like a sister to Sirius, they'd grown up together, running around the corridors and pilfering bread from the kitchens... They were best friends.

Lily gave Sirius a questionable grin look and held up the sketch.

"Which one of the maids was it, you wee rascal?"

Sirius went bright red and sat up. Lily hiked up her skirts and sat next to him, legs crossed, hands folded in lap, expectant.

Sirius gave her a sheepish look. 

"It - uh - it wasn't a maid, per se..."

Lily raised a ginger eyebrow.

"Don't tell me. It was Mary."

Sirius just shook his head.

Lily rolled her green eyes in exasperation.

"Who the bloody hell was it then?"

Sirius took a deep breath.

"You know the new manservant..?"





"Dear Lord that one's attractive," she sighed, "how'd you manage that?"

Sirius was rather taken aback.

"You don't find it strange, you know, that he's a man?"

Lily put her hand on his shoulder,

"Of course it's a little strange, but you're basically my brother and I love you, so it doesn't particularly matter."

Sirius leant his head on her shoulder,

"Thanks Lils."

"You're welcome," she said briskly, "but he's so attractive!"

She flopped back onto the bed, laughing. Sirius just snorted.

"I know."



"Yes, father?"

"As you know, you are coming of age in three days."

"Yes, father."

"Well, your mother and I have made some arrangements... And found you a wife. In you come, Miss McKinnon."

A short, curvaceous young woman entered. Her brown hair was twisted up into a fashionable knot and her blue eyes sparkled flirtatiously at him.

Sirius swallowed nervously.

"I... I..."

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