Photographer AU

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A WILD UPDATE APPEARS. (Betcha weren't expecting that, eh?)

I was browsing the interwebz and found that adorable picture. I had an idea and boom. Here you go. A random plot bunny.


"Mr Black?"

Sirius perked up as his name was called. The hair and makeup team flapped and fussed over him for a few more seconds before he was ushered through into the studio by his agent.

It was Sirius' first time modelling for this new photographer, and he didn't know what to expect. Another nut-job? Another stoner? He had no idea, but this shoot could elevate his career to even greater heights.

"Sirius?" Said his manager, Lily, "this new guy, he's very artistic -"

At Sirius' worried expression she stifled a snort.

"Not like the last one, I promise."

"Thank God. That was traumatic."

"I know, I know," she replied her coiffed copper head bobbing up and down, "But this one, he's the next biggest thing. He photographed James Potter for God's sake, he's gotta be good. Trust me on this one, Black."

He could barely nod before Lily had grabbed his arm and frog-marched him inside.

The new studio was bright and clean, with floor to ceiling windows looking out over the river Thames. It was... different than the usual. It looked comfortable and chic instead of the cold and professional aesthetic of most other studios. There were bright, but faded tribal rugs on the floor and gorgeous sofas lined the walls, strewn artistically with throw cushions and blankets.

"I'll be outside, I gotta take this call. Good luck!"

Sirius looked desperately at Lily's retreating back as he was left alone inside a stranger's studio. There was no one else around, so he decided to check out the room.

Sirius looked around in wonder, beautiful hand painted murals adorned the white walls. He wondered if the photographer had painted them himself... His heart stopped when he saw the most exquisite image on the far away wall. A wolf, howling at a bright constellation... a dog constellation. Each line was exquisite and soft, painted with such a love and intensity that made Sirius shiver.

"You found my paintings, I see,"

A soft voice penetrated the silence, making Sirius jump and spin around.

Once he saw who was there, his stomach dropped out of him.

A slim young man stood in front of him, his hands in his pockets. A faint smile ghosted across his lips. The figure was milk pale, a dusting of freckles adorned his cheeks... as did the faded lines of old scars tracing across his face.

He was wearing an oversized sweater rolled up at the elbows and skinny jeans. He looked good. Pale, golden-brown curls were arranged carelessly over one of his eyes.

He stepped forwards and offered his hand.

"Lupin. Remus Lupin. You must be Mister Sirius Black." 

Sirius could only nod. The man's amber eyes were as intense as his paintings.

"I couldn't wait to meet you," he said, raising an eyebrow, "you certainly are as handsome as they say."

Sirius blushed and stammered out a hasty, "Thanks, you too..." And instantly regretted it.

Lupin clapped his hands together.

"Shall we get started then?"


As Sirius looked over the photos on the way back to his hotel, he noticed how much softer and beautiful they were. Remus captured life and soft intimacy in his photographs, all in a gentle black and white tone. He certainly was skilled.

Lily looked over his shoulder,

"You like him then?"

Sirius was mortified for a second, but then realised what Lily had meant.

"Y-yeah. Yeah. Ahem. Great guy. Great photographer."

"Consider him hired. You'll be seeing a lot more of each other soon."

Something inside of Sirius was very excited.

Wolfstarजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें