Not Just The Help

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I'M BACK CINNABONS. HI. Did you miss me? Of course you did. This idea has been floating about my head for a week or so, so just hear me out okay? (THIS IS GOING TO BE A MULTIPLE PART STORY.) ILY!!! xxxx


Sirius stared into the gilded mirror as a squat, blonde serving boy straightened his black damask waistcoat. He gave a half-hearted smile and dismissed the younger boy with a wave of his hand, saying, 'Thank you, Peter,' as he left, "Please send up the new manservant. Thank you."

Peter bowed and backed out of the room.

He looked back into the mirror. His own image stared back at him. Deep brown eyes, high cheekbones, pale skin, a pouting mouth... Typical looks for the house of Black. Sirius sighed and turned away, pacing around his candelabra lit room. He'd always been different though, in an indescribable way.

He had paced this route many a time before, as the oak floorboards were worn from his constant movement. Sirius had always felt trapped in this room. Big as it was, it was predictable and dim, much like the rest of the house.

The only place he felt free from the hulking Grimmauld House and the constant presence of his infuriatingly dull parents was the grounds. There he was free to roam, free to hike and explore without anyone breathing down his neck 24/7.

Sirius was brought back to earth by a knock at the door.

"Please, come in," he called, ceasing his pacing.

The heavy oak door creaked open and a slim young man of around his age stepped inside. He bowed and headed towards Sirius.

"Mr Black, sir," he said, "I'm Remus John Lupin, your new manservant."

Now that the boy was in a pool of light, Sirius could see his face. And it was beautiful. 

Dark blonde curls fell over his forehead, starkly contrasting with his pale skin. His lips were full and soft. Freckles dotted his nose and sharp cheekbones, a few made a tiny freckley constellation underneath one of his eyes. And, oh, his eyes... A deep, beautiful amber, flecked with gold and bronze.

In short, Sirius was was mesmerised. 

It took a few moments for Sirius to realise that his mouth was open. He closed it quickly.

"Ah, yes, Remus. Hello," he said as he recovered his dignity. Remus just had a cute expression of curious bemusement playing across his delicate features. Sirius shook his head slightly, to sober himself up and offered his hand, Remus took it and they shook. They dropped hands quickly, much quicker than Sirius would have liked.

"Goodnight, sir, I shall wake you in the morning."

"Thank you, Remus, you are dismissed."

Remus turned to leave, Sirius watched him go.


What were these feelings? Sirius had never experienced them before. And certainly not with a man. What would his parents say? What would his brother say? Was he abnormal? Was he simply confused? 


He was not confused.

But he was scared.

Scared of what his family would say. Scared of himself. Scared of his aching heart. He had only just met the man, but he was already pining after him. But... he had been so beautiful. So... perfect.

He probably didn't feel the same. 

Sirius sank deeper into his four poster bed. Closing his restless eyes, he allowed his imagination to run wild with images of the man. The beautiful enigma.

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