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My dead heart gave a beat as Bella stared at us with hope and adoration. We unconsciously moved closer to her. She picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Uncle Marcus " she said into the phone. "Bella, I was just thinking when you would call." Bella's breathing hitched. "does that mean? "
"have you kissed them Bella? " he asked. We stood shocked. How did he know?  "yup I have " he sighed on the line and chuckled. "did u feel the sparks my child? " Bella breathed a sigh and smiled through her tears. We immediately went nearer and I wiped the tears. We didn't like to see her cry. "I did, uncle. It felt as if molten electricity ran through me. They make me shiver just ny their voice and even more with their touch. " she sighed smiling at us and leaning into my hand. Our heart's burst with happiness. We liked the effect we had on her and she on us. And that confused the hell out of me. "well then piccollo, the three men are your mates. " our heads snapped up in shock and surprise when we heard the words. Bella smiled and her grin was big enough to split her face. Our grins matched hers and we snuggled upto her. "thank u Uncle. " she said. He laughed. "anything for u. Just remember. No going any further physically with them unless they have met us. " Bella's face reddened and she hid it in my chest. Me and my brothers chuckled.  " bye zio prendersi cura" (bye uncle take care) Bella spoke in fluent Italian causing us to stare at her in awe and shock. Once Marcus bid her goodbye and she hung up, I had her in my arms. "mine" I whispered. "yours " she agreed snuggling into me. My brothers not wanting to he left out, wrapped their arms around her. "ours " we said together. She hummed in agreement.
A squealing voice broke us apart. Alice ran and hugged all of us. Bella laughed and hugged Alice. "I am so happy. " my pixie sister squealed. All of our family congratulated us though Carlisle was curious how we wcould work. Alice sighed and after we seated began. " one of u will be the alpha male. This male will project as her boyfriend in the human world as polygamous relations are not yet legal. In the vampire world, you all will be her mates and her husbands and when she is changed will be recognized as one with her. "
"who is the alpha male?" esme asked. Before Alice could, me and Peter already had said, "jasper ". Our sire looked at us happily before nodding. "ok. Thank u " jasper said to us. He had been and would always be our leader and sire.
I turned to Bella. "you want to be changed? " I asked her.
"of course I want to be. " she said. "be sure Bella. " Peter said. "Pete no one is as sure as me. I have had 14 years to make this decision. Even if I was not mated to u, it was set for me to be changed after my 20 th birthday. And it is my decision. Trust me. Vampirism is not the curse most of thunk it to be. It is a blessing. "
We stared at her shocked. "hoe can u say that?  Do u know what it is to be a vampire? The constant blood lust and other things. " rose screeched.
Bella smiled. "I know it is hard to believe but it is how u choose to live. I have a live example of vampirism being a boon right here in this room. "
"who? " jasper asked. She smiled and pointed to our coven leader. "Carlisle. U r the best example of perfect use of this life. You were given a life and instead of destroying yourself. You took it upon yourself to help others. I have idolized you and want yo be like you. Meeting u was like a dream come true and getting to be your daughter is truly the icing on the cake. " Carlisle's eyes filled with venom as he picked up my mate and spun her in circles before hugging her tightly.
We could think only one thing. Our mate was our salvation. Our redemption. Our light in our darkness.

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