Lesson nine: The Whore from Heaven

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Chapter 9

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It's 2am in the morning but my unhealthy addiction is keeping me up and awake. I missed out of a few episodes of Pretty Little Liars. So I'm using this time to..catch up.

"Just one more." I whispered to myself as I clicked the next episode. I've lost count of how many times I've persuaded myself that I was only going to watch 'one' more. I'm going to regret this so much tomorrow morning.

Whatever, I'll worry about that later.

The sound of Nate tossing and turning in his sleep causes me to freeze and pause the episode. If he catches me watching this, it's be another reason for him to think that I'm gay, or worse, a girl.

When I hear the soft snore of his breathing, I relax a little and continue to watch.

"Oh God, Oh God, OH GOD!!!" I chant as I watch the Halloween episode through my fingers. 'Don't go near the door! Don't—

"What the f*ck are you doing?" A sleepy voice asks and I jolt up straight. "Why are you praying at f*cking 2am you psycho."

"I wasn't praying you faggot." I retort. "Go back to sleep."

"I can't. You woke me up." He pouts and faces me.

I roll my eyes.

"If you aren't praying to god, what are you watching?" He asks.

"Nothing." I quickly say. "I was watching some." What? What? Think!!! "....manly stuff."

"Manly stuff?" Nate asks with a confused expression. Suddenly he nods his head in understanding. "You mean Porn right?"

"Porn? Eww no!"

"Theres no need to be in denial. It's normal healthy teenage man to watch that." He stops and smirks at me. "Especially when they're still going through puberty and need to gain more experience."

"Excuse me?!" I slam my laptop shut. "I am very experienced! And for your information, I'm am a fully grown MAN!"

"It's okay to be in denial Theodore. Not all guys going though puberty will have the right tools to gain that special experience." Nate says in a calm tone.

"I'm not in denial..." I mumble. "What does 'tools' mean?

Nate laughs. "It's something you're undeveloped in, Theodora."

"And your saying that your developed?"

He gives me a serious look. "I'm developed alright. I've got all the right tools to rock a girl's world. I've got all the experience I need from all sorts of women. I'm a walking Sex God. Literally." said the whore.

He's not the first guy I've heard say that. But I'm sure he's not lying. All of a sudden, the image I saw of him and the mail girl pops into my head and I cringe. I've been tainted by this whore. My virgin eyes are no more. I'm suck between being grateful to him, since I'm one teeny tiny step closer to not being a prude. Or, destroying Nate Junior so he won't ever rock anyone's worldn again. Personally, option 2 sounds the most appropriate.


Out of no where a pillow of bricks hits me square in the face and I fall backwards, head hitting the plaster wall behind me. It takes me a second to register what happened, but when I do I turn to glare at the laughing Nate. His on the ground laughing his guts out, I can see tears coming out.

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