Lesson Twenty: The Harsh Reality

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I'm really sorry for the long wait. 

Dedicated to all those that were dying to see this chapter :)

Your support means a lot to me. 

Enjoy xx



The accident that happened yesterday has finally begun to settle down. But not before it exploded nationwide. Journalists and News reporters flooded the school grounds hours after I got harassed my Miss Breisch. Everyone wanted to know more juicy information about the notorious trouble makers, Nathan Kade and Theodore Knightly. And after they somehow found out that Jesse and Kaelan were involved too. It turned the girls in the country crazy. They even made us a group name, 'The Fearsome Four'. 

Seriously, out of all the names they could've chosen, they've decided to make us sound like fantastic our wannabes. 

The cops had to come and barricade the school and stop all the people from coming in. It was pretty hectic. 

And then the word spread even further.

Mum called me, telling me about what see saw on the Tokyo News Channel, and how she almost had a heart attack when Theo's face and name appeared on screen. 

"I'm going to kill your brother when I see him," Was her parting words before dad told her to calm down and said bye to me. 

My phone starts to vibrate in my hand and I already know who's calling. With shaky fingers I answer the call.

"What did you do!?" Theo asked, waves of anger smothering me.

"I can explain," I said.

"No need to explain Tori, mum just gave me a lecture and a whole list of punishing threats after I saw what you and your boyfriend almost drive off a fucking cliff! What the hell Tori? I thought you wanted to get laid, not participate in a life endangering act!"

"I didn't--he's not my boyfriend!" 

"Sure, sure." Theo drawls.

"He's not!" 

"Yeah okay." 

"I'm serious."

"And I don't care. What I do care, is how the rest of my glorious life is going to go upside down because mum thinks I'm the one that caused that ruckus when it was you." 

"It wouldn't of happened if you, being the dumbass you are, went through my things and decided to swap my toiletries for mother fucking condoms! Nate had to take me to by pads and tampons because my unwanted subscription to Satan's monthly red cordial arrived. So fuck you very much for your lack of brain cells." I yelled into the phone, hoping to destroy his ear drums.

"So I'm guessing buying tampons means you need to steal a car, get chased by cops, almost drive off a cliff and get sent to jail? "

"That wasn't planned--and you have no right complaining when you do all that on a daily basis."

"Unlike you sis, I have a reputation to hold up, "Smugness laced with his voice. "How's the virginity going. You banging yet?" 

"Theres been no banging and I still have my V card."

"Why am I not surprised?" Theo sighed. "Well, I got to go."

"Where are you now?" I asked, last time he was in Fiji or was that Tahiti?

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